Chapter 4 (33) Great Driving Happens

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The Hunters broke camp as quickly as they’d set it up. I stood shivering in the snow (unlike the Hunters, who didn’t seem to feel at all uncomfortable), and Artemis stared into the east like she was expecting something. Bianca sat off to one side, talking with Nico. I could tell from his gloomy face that she was explaining something he didn't like.

Thalia, Grover and I came up and huddled around Percy, anxious to hear what had happened during his audience with the goddess.

Percy informed us of Bianca's descison to join the hunt, which I didn't know how to feel about, something about Artemis needing to hunt the monster Thorn was talking about, and the hunters are staying at Camp Half-Blood while she does so.

Grover turned pale, "The last time the Hunters visted camp, it didn't go well."

I nodded agreeing with his statement.

"How’d they even show up here?" Percy wondered. "I mean, they just appeared out of nowhere."

"And Bianca joined them," Thalia said, disgusted. "It’s all Zoë’s fault. That stuck-up, no good –"

"Who can blame her?" Grover said. "Eternity with Artemis?" He heaved a big sigh.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "You satyrs. You’re all in love with Artemis. Don’t you get that she’ll never love you back?"

"But she’s so… into nature," Grover swooned.

'I'm pretty sure she's just a lesbian in denial.' I sign though only Thalia sees it and holds in a laugh.

"You’re nuts," said Thalia.

"Nuts and berries," Grover said dreamily. "Yeah."

Artemis assured us that dawn was coming, but you could’ve fooled me. It was colder and darker and snowier than ever. Up on the hill, Westover Hall’s windows were completely lightless.

Gripping Thalia's arm asking a silent question and she nodded knowing what I wanted.

I scooted closer to her and hugged her arm. It's not my fault she was warm and I was cold.

Finally the sky began to lighten. Artemis muttered, "About time. He’s so-o-o lazy during the winter."

"You’re, um, waiting for sunrise?" Percy asked.

"For my brother. Yes."

"It’s not exactly as you think," Artemis said, probably judging Percy's expression.

"Oh, okay." Percy started to relax. "So, it’s not like he’ll be pulling up in a –"

There was a sudden burst of light on the horizon. A blast of warmth.

"Don’t look," Artemis advised. "Not until he parks."


I averted my eyes, and saw that the other kids were doing the same. The light and warmth intensified until my winter coat felt like it was melting off me. Then suddenly the light died.

I looked. And I couldn’t believe it. It was a car. A red convertible Maserati Spyder. I realized it was glowing because the metal was hot. The snow had melted round the Maserati in a perfect circle, which explained why I was now standing on green grass and my shoes were wet.

Though I still hugged Thalia's arm, mainly because she was letting me.

The driver got out, smiling. He looked about seventeen or eighteen. This guy had sandy hair and outdoorsy good looks. He was tall with a bright playful smile. He wores jeans and loafters with a sleeveless T-shit

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