Chapter 3 (52) Friendly Face

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Thalia POV

Sighing I stare into the fire as the others talked amongst themselves. Well most of them have already retired to bed. Though it was Eleanor that brought me out of my thoughts.

"Thalia." She called and I turned to her.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Can I ask you something regarding big brother?" She ask and I don't notice Zoe or Artemis taking interest in the conversation.

"Sure." I say getting nervous.

Y/n was a... interesting subject. I didn't hate him. I think I love him, but I don't know.

"Do you really love him?" Eleanor ask looking me in my eyes.

"Where did that come from?" I ask her.

"Because I don't like you stringing him along." Eleanor said.

"I am not!" I say a little loudly.

"Yes, you are." Eleanor said.

"What proof do you have?" I ask her a little angry.

"He was the one who helped you adjust to everything and even get over your own problems, and when someone more convient offered you help you didn't even hesitate to take it up and leave him." Eleanor said.

"Thats not how it is." I said defiantly not wantung to believe what she just said, however she just rolled her eyes.

"Name one thing you've done for him that could mean you repayed him?" Eleanor ask me.

"I helped him on mount orthys." I say.

"No from what I heard you were busy fighting Luke." Eleanor countered. "It's because of you brother and sister got into a fight."

After she said that she got up and went to the sleeping tent.

"She has a point." Zoe says and I glare at her. "Thou does care for Y/n, but can you really say you love him the way he loves you?"

I open my mouth to respond but shut it after. I didn't know, and besides does it matter? The next time I see him he'll probably have moved on anyways.

"Will it even matter?" I ask.

"Thalia if there is one thing I have learned from Aphrodite, it is the people you love isn't entirely your choice." Artemis said gaining my attention. "You think I would choose to love someone like my brother or even father? No, but they are family and I give the love a sister or daughter would."

Artemis then looks in my eyes and ask. "What type of love do you feel towards the son of Aphrodite? You hurt him, badly infact. Heartbreak for a child of Aphrodite isn't the same for a normal demigod or mortal, it is why they are hesitant about getting truly attached to someone. Only to people they trust with their hearts."

She stopped there but she had said enough I knew where she was going. And I felt even worse now. I felt tears wanting to fall, but stopped them.


I really hope Aimée knows where she is going. As if she was reading my thoughts she huffed.

The moment I had gotten onto her she took off as if she knew where to go. I had to sit on the saddle and hope she could make it to the destination in one trip, I don't think there was a resting place for her on the ocean.

We seemed to have been going southwest from last I could tell. The only thing I could recall being in this direction would be the Sea of Monsters.

After a bit of flying I saw the entrace to the Sea of Monsters, but what my vision focused on was the pirate ship infront of it.  The Queen Anne's Revenge and Aimée was flying straight towards it.

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