Chapter 5 (21) Meeting a Dad Gone Wrong

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The first place we went to was the water. Clarisse had prayed to Ares for naval transprot, since we obviously weren't gonna swim, and he answered it.

Thankfully the transport Ares gifted this time wasn't shit, well it was a civil war battleship manned by a undead crew, but not a semi illegeally transporting animals.

It was the CSS Birmingham, an ironclad from the American Civil War.

The undead confederate's on board didn't seem to mind me. Though they kept trying to figure out where I was from, when I told them it wasn't from the north that seemed to satisfy them.

The dead soldiers also seemed to be impressed that I survived having my neck sliced, claiming that I was 'resilient for a pretty boy'. I didn't know how they knew about the fact my neck was sliced, but I didn't question it much. Probably some dead knowing people who were near dead thing.

So far the quest hadn't been that dangerous. I mean we had yet to get into the open waters of the Atlantic or enter the Sea of Monsters.

One thing I did notice about Clarisse was that she seemed a bit nervous, which for her is weird, it could be chalked down to her being sent on a quest to save the camp.

Something in my gut told me otherwise though. My suspicions rose when I asked her about a bruise I noticed on her arm, she got really defensive about it and said it happened in a spar with her sibling.

I could tell she was lying about it. She was hesitant before answering as if she needed to think of an answer, and she wouldn't meet my eyes when answering or even face me when she normally does.

If you're going to lie to someone don't do it to someone who can read your body language. It's something I picked up from Drew and a few other's in my cabin. Though they use it to tell if someone likes someone else or them.

'Clarisse.' I sign and she looks up and meets my gaze. 'You're a terrible liar, stick to fighting.'

"You don't know what you're talking about!" She shouts and pushes past me stomping her way to the captains quarters.

Technically I wasn't even talking, I think as I turn around and am met with a door slamming in my face.

Fine, I think as I turn around and head up top. Undead soldiers were walking around the deck attending to the ship and making sure it's well and running.

"Sir." An undead soldier greets me.

'How long until we reach the entrance of the Sea of Monsters?' I sign in question and he stares at me for a moment.

"Once we're out on open waters about a day or so, so I would say about 3 days." The soldier responds and I nod and lean on the railing.

Setting my eyes on the water part of me wished I had taken the naiad's offers of swimming lessons.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to look at a notification from Silena in the group chat with all my siblings.

Appearently Percy, Annabeth and Tyson had left camp and have been banned from it by Tantalis for eternity, and Mr D said that if they returned to camp they'd be turned to squirrels and ran over.

Should have expected this. Grover is Percy's friend and Percy doesn't seem like he'd just sit by. I also doubt Clarisse will be happy about this. I think as I stare at the phone screen.

A surge of anger suddenly came over me and I looked up and saw all the undead look angrier aswell. I took a guess and assumed it was Ares appearing, talking to Clarisse maybe.

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