Chapter 7 (36) The Dead Delievered a Message

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Opening my eyes I see am meet by a sight of of Thalia. Confusion finds it way to my face as I stare at her for a moment before I realize I wasn't in my bed or even in my mothers cabin. I was in the Zeus cabin sharing a bed with Thalia, at that thought I couldn't help but blush.

Slowly I lay back down in the position I was in, which was ontop of Thalia my head right above her breast.

That was when the memories of yesterday rushed into my mind. I had a panic attack when the water had gotten into my mouth, and it was infront of everyone.

Realizing everyone saw me in such a weak state I buried my face in Thalia's shoulder accidentally waking her up.

"Y/n?" Thalia says sleepily. "It's alright. You're dry, you're safe." She says soothingly rubbing my back.

That was when I realized I only had my breifs on.

Slowly lifting my head I look at Thalia's face. She gives me a small smile. "Sorry, it's my fault you had a panic attack."

I would have responded but my arms were wrapped around her resulting in my hands being on her back, which she was laying on. So I laid my head back on her shoulder.

"Are you mad?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I really am so-" Thalia tried saying but I got one of my hands unstuck and covered her mouth and left it there.

After about ten minutes I sit up, sitting on Thalia's lap. Looking down at her I have to suppress a blush as I realize she was wearing a sports bra, she was also rather fit.

"Stop staring." Thalia says with a light blush. "I didn't want you to catch a cold and I thought it was only fair since you didn't have clothes on. My clothes were also drenched too."

I nod at that. 'Not that I don't enjoy it, but why am I sleeping here?'

"You wouldn't let go of me." Thalia says. "I also am more comfy in my own bed. That and I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with me sleeping in yours, also your siblings..."

'What happened after I went unconcious?'

"The oracle gave Zoë a prophecy about Artemis." Thalia says much to my suprise. "You'll figure it out later."


"It's still dark out. We probably have two or so hours before anyone wakes up." Thalia says. "Want to go back to sleep?"

I look at her face and see that she's still tired and nod. I lay beside her and she shifts to her side and spoons me.

"So we can stay warm." Thalia says and I nod feeling a blush creep up.

I was greatful for the fact she was spooning me. I don't have complete control over my body's reaction to things, and when someone as hot as Thalia is pressing against you well, you can make your own assumptions.

Their was also the fact I was cold so her body heat was welcomed. What do you expect? It's winter and the cabins don't have heaters.

Six shall go west to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost and one captured in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
The Titan’s curse must one withstand,
One shall perish by a parent’s hand should the dove's lust prevail.

That was the prophecy and if you want my honest opinion of it. I didn't like it. Partly because a dove was mentioned again, and I was starting to like being called bunny more.

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