Chapter 33!

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Yuzu's POV

"Naina, good to see you too.... the 'sneaky specs'", I said sarcastically. I saw her getting pissed off, which is the one I need and I am happy to see that. That's me... Yuzu...

"Yuzu....", Mei pinched me in my hand. I understood... this is the way she tells me to keep my mouth shut without others knowing.

"Ouch... What's that for? She is sneaky... I didn't lie" ,I had a face with a side grin and Mei punched me now, "Where were you? So the Yuzu with big mouth at college is back?", she asked me with a weak smile.

"I never had a big mouth dear... I just spoke for weak people", I kissed her at her forehead which made Naina angrier. Her eyes shot red.

"You can't kiss her when I am there....", she gritted her teeth.

"Oh... so Mei... shall we go out from this place so that we can kiss peacefully... ", I looked at Mei. Mei is trying hard to control her laugh. I know she is afraid of Naina... afraid she would do anything to us.. but I am not....

"You are still the same Naina... Stalking everywhere where Mei goes... and sneaky....." I saw her in her eyes, "You thought I didn't know that your bully bullied you for your money", I saw Naina getting disturbed by the truth.

"What?", Mei asked in shock.

"What I am telling is her bullies bullied her for her money, so that she would not bully them back", I told her. Mei shook her head.

"I still can't understand ",  she was confused.

"My dear Mei... The 'Cutie specs' here hired bullies to bully her for money so that she would get your attention ",  I said and sighed.

"So, that's the reason you didn't stand for her when I asked you to?", Mei questioned me and I nodded. I knew about Naina when in school. When Mei got closer to her, I watched her as no one would get so close with Mei knowing her.

"Naina.... you lied me from the start" , Mei now looked at Naina with a disgusted look.

"Mei..I loved you... from the time I saw you... I laid my eyes on you... you are mine ", Naina said with a pleading tone.

"So You are pleading now....", I smirked at her. I just want to piss her off....

"No, I am not..  ", she hissed at me.

"Mei... she doesn't even want to plead to you" , I winked at her.

"Yuzu... what are you doing?", Mei kicked me.

"Ouch... stop doing that", I smiled at Mei...

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend... Mei... You are mine... You saw the papers",  Naina looked at Mei. Mei's face changed to fear...

"Oh... The papers which you prepared by cheating while playing with Mei's dad... Taking advantage of his drunken state....", I started explaining only to get a shock look from Mei and angry look from Naina... I continued, "That is not worth Naina... we already gave that to our lawyer and got an order that it is of not value", I laughed.

"Yuzu... you are crossing your limit... stay away", Naina's eyes becomes red.

"What you have is not a true love Naina... a true love is something where you would do anything for your love... sacrifice yourself for them... even if it is your life... to make your partner happy you will lose your happiness... forgive them as your love is bigger than the pride or ego... what you have is just a dominant desire over Mei... just to dominate her ",  i was cut off by her burst...

"Just stop it... stop it Yuzu", she yelled walking back and forth, "She is mine....I love her... do you think you can go alive from the place where you are standing", she took a gun from her pant pointing to me only to make Mei get front of me...

"Mei... move... I will shoot you as well... Don't try me", she shouted..

"See... I told you its not love.. no one would try killing the person they love", I gave a sarcastic comment.

"Yuzu.. shut your mouth... you are pissing her off" Mei elbowed me.

"Naina... you think I would fight you and hurt myself or I am smarty... not a person who fights... that doesn't mean I don't know to fight.. I know but I use it only when needed... you are not worthy to get into a fight ", I winked at her. She stopped walking facing me and Mei pointing the gun towards us.

"Aren't you afraid?" Mei asked me.. I just gave her a sign. I know she didn't understand.

When Naina was about to shoot, Naina's mom injected her from back. Yes, we talked with Dr.Matthews before coming here explaining everything.

Naina turned back and said in a low voice, "Mom...."

Dr.Matthews held her in arms and replied, "I am sorry dear... I should've known this.. I just concentrated on my work and neglected you... I didn't know you are suffering", she kissed her forehead as Naina fell asleep due to the injection. Within few minutes, there were people from hospital taking her up in stretcher to the hospital.

"Thank you so much Yuzu for taking time to talk with me about her... I didn't believe first but seeing the conversation between you and her, I understood she is still the same.... I will take her to the place where she will stay far away from you both" , and she turned towards Mei and hugged her, "I am sorry for all the pain she caused you", a tear fell from Mei's eyes, she hugged her back, "Its ok". She left then....

It's only me and Mei.. she turned towards me and said, "So.... "

I imitated her, "So....." with a laugh...

"I love you my hero", she kissed me.... it was with love.... her eyes showed life and mine too...

" you... more....", I said between the kisses.

"Alright lovebirds...get a room", Himeko came shouting in and we laughed.. I took Mei's hand and ran towards my car...

"where you are taking me?", she smiled...

"To our secret place....", I told her and pulled her into another kiss before getting into the car...

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