The Outside?

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     At the moment I'm studying one of my college level books in my large bland room, but then I hear something. *Knock Knock* "Hey buddy, think we can talk?" " Of course pa-....... WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR!!!!!" "Oh I decided to change it up a bit" "Papa, blue hair does not suit you." "Aww I thought it did" "Sorry papa, black hair suits you better" Papa then started walking closer and sat down next to me. "First off, Happy Birthday son!!" *Pats head* "Thanks Papa" "Do you really like head pats that much?" "Huh?" He then pointed behind me. "Bad tail! You're not supposed to be wagging!" *Small giggle* "It's okay son" *Pats head again* Hmph how dare he make my tail wag.

      "Do you want your present?" ! "Yes pls!!" He then clicks a button on his tablet and a wrapped up present came down through one of my feeding chutes. The feeding chute is just a tube that comes down from the ceiling and dispenses my food, it can also follow my movement and dispense when I'm walking around.

     Back to what was happening the present plopped down right in front of me. "Go on, open it" I unwrap the gift and find... an envelope? "Papa what is this?" "Open it and read it out loud" "Okay?" I then open the envelope and start reading. "'Do to the continuous asking of researcher Hisashi Midoryia we have decided to let the Warning Wolf hybrid attend in person classes in the UA hero course'"

     I was in total shock. "Papa is this real????" "100%" I get up and start running around my room screaming the word 'Yes' over and over again. I transformed into my full wolf form at the largest size (the biggest I can get in my full wolf form is 20ft tall) and started howling in excitement. "Though there will be some rules you have to follow when you're outside"

A Special Warning WolfWhere stories live. Discover now