A Truth

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     "Kiri are you hearing what I'm hearing?" "Yep" What are they talking about? *Yawn* "Aww you're so cute!!" •I am not cute.• *pout* "Sorry Zuku, but that yawn and with you purring, you are very adorable." Hang on, I was purring?! Wait are they smart enough to figure out that if I can make vocal sounds I can technically speak?

•Could I ask some questions?• Alright, they don't seem to be suspicious at the moment. •Do you promise none of it will be said out loud or shared?• •I promise, is Kaminari allowed to know what we are saying?• •He can be told, just not out loud• "Hey Kami do you have your phone?" "Yep I do." "Alright thanks"

-I'll be relaying what me and Zuku are talking about but none of it can be said out loud or told. Can you handle that?
-I can keep quiet so there's no need to worry Kiri

*Thumbs up to Kami* •Kami just told me he'll stay quiet about what I tell him. You still good with answering some questions?• I can't tell them everything, that'd make them a target, but I can give them broad answers. •I don't think it'd be smart to give you the specifics, but I can give a broad answer.• *nod*

•Why is it that we can't talk about this out loud?• •Listening device• Kiri's eyes gave away his shock. He pulled out his phone and started typing so I think he's relaying what I said to Kami. Pika is also bad at hiding his shock seeing as I could hear his breath hitch. He then picked up his phone and started texting something to Sharky.

•Kami asks why you had an electric shock going through you?• Ohhhh, so that's why he was typing. •A controlled shock, it's there as a safety measure.• •Safety measure for what?•
The air in the room tensed, I can't answer that question for their safety. Pretty sure they noticed my change in mood, or they just saw my ears go down, either way they noticed something was off. *Purrrrr* Wait, when did Pika start petting my ears? *Blush of embarrassment* "Awww no need to be embarrassed Zuku, we've already heard you purr." •I will kill you Kami• "Sorry dude, can't understand SL." "He said he'll kill you Kaminari." "Good luck with that man." *Giggle* Gosh I didn't know Kami's giggle would sound so cute.

•Hey Zuku, can I ask you one more question?• •Sure!• •Are you doing alright?• Why would Kiri ask me that? •Mentally, physically, or emotionally?• •All of the above.• Hmmm, I think I know which answer feels the most correct. •Well I'm doing just fine in all of the above.•

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