Truth or Dare

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     "Who wants to go first?" I think Mina really enjoys this game. "I could-" "Welp sense nobody wants to go I'll be first!" Wow they completely ignored the tiny grape, wonder why. "Iida, truth or dare?" "I feel as though saying dare would end up bad so I will choose the responsible answer of truth" "Awww I was hoping you would choose dare. Well in that case, what was the worst rule you have ever broken?" Ooooooh this might be good, he doesn't seem like the kind of person to break a rule.

"*Sigh* I went after a villain without permission and almost got killed, happy?" It was so quiet that I could hear the bugs all the way outside. "YOU WHAT???!!!" *Whimper* Too loud. As everyone kept talking in their super loud voices I suddenly felt hands being placed over my ears. "I'll get them to shut up, don't worry." Sharky was talking so quietly that no one else would be able to hear it without advanced hearing. He gave me a soft smile and I immediately felt a lot calmer.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Now there was complete silence once again. "Could you all be any louder? Midoryia literally just whimpered from how loud you were all being" The entire time I've been here Sharky has never sounded so authoritative. It's nice to know that he'll tell everyone off and be protective of me. "We're sorry Midoryia, we didn't know it would hurt you" Pretty much everyone that shouted apologized, I'm glad they're all now crazy enough to apologize. •It's fine just try to be quieter next time• I gave them all a smile to show it was okay. "He said it was fine and to just try to be quieter next time" Wow he even sounded upset.

We played a few more rounds, I was also asked later on, but then I was asked a question. "Midoryia truth of dare?" •Truth•^^ "Truth" "Why are you mute?" Pikachu was giving me a nervous face signifying that he wasn't trying to be personal but was genuinely curious. "Kaminari you can't just ask some one such a personal question like that!" I gave them a weak smile and answered •My vocal cords were damaged when I was a kid and I've been unable to speak sense then•

Just a reminder, this is the excuse he will be using when others ask why's he's mute as if you remember he isn't allowed to talk outside.

"Oh, he said that his vocal cords were damaged as a child and he hasn't been able to talk sense" The mood of the room changed quickly. "We're sorry that happened to you Midoryia" •It's fine it doesn't hurt at all• "He said that it's fine and that it doesn't hurt" "I think this would be the best time to head to bed as it is almost 7:30" "Alright we'll go to bed Iida, night everyone" "Night"

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