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Don't know why they think I'm cute but eh, doesn't really matter. They're both so comfortable. I feel so relaxed, not even snuggling with Papa has felt this good. Wonder why that is? "It's cause you're connected to them!" What?! Who is that taking to me?! Aren't I asleep?! "You are asleep I'm just coming to check in on you and since I can't come into the physical world, I use the mental world to communicate." "Who are you?" Wait I'm not supposed to talk! "No need to fear child, you can speak freely here, after all this is your mind we're in." "Alright, but you didn't answer my question." "Oops my bad, my name is Kira and I am the goddess to the Warning Wolves."

Did she just say goddess to the Warning Wolves? "Wait, you're the goddess?!" "Yep, that's me!" "Are you hear to give me a warning?" I've never talked to her before so there isn't much reason for her to talk to me.

"I've never been able to talk interact with you before due to how weak your connection to the spiritual side is. Now that you're more connected we can communicate!" "So, there isn't a warning for me?" "Nope. Are you not gonna ask what I meant at the beginning?" "What are you- ooooooh yeah you had said being connected to them caused the relaxed feeling I got." "Mhm, and that connection is a mate bond!"

Did she just say a mate bond? "Wait they're my mates?!" "Yep!" "I though I wouldn't get one since I was originally human." "Well you're connected to me now so when you first transformed I gave you your mates." "Are both Kiri and Kami my mates?" "Mhm! I thought they fit with you perfectly."

This is crazy, no wonder I've felt so safe with them. That also explains that tightening in my chest I got when Kami was on deaths door. Since we're connected I felt the bond stretch signifying he was badly injured and close to death.

"Am I allowed to tell them?" "Of course you can, though it might be best to keep it on the down low. That way you can get closer to them resulting in there being less of a chance of them rejecting you." "I'm not that good with the more spiritual side of my species. So, um, why would it be bad if they reject me?" "The bond you have with them will snap if they reject you and the snapping of a bond is incredibly painful." "Oh." Yeah it might be best to wait until the chances of them rejecting me are low.

"If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me and if I see anything bad I'll let you know. Until then, goodbye!" What does she mean by that? Oh! It seems I'm about to wake up. I hope I'll get to snuggle them for a bit longer.

A Special Warning WolfWhere stories live. Discover now