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     Ugh, what happened? Wait I'm back in my room at the lab? Wasn't I with the class? "Zuzu, you alright?" Huh? Wait a minute, am I seeing things right? Im looking around and I can see the whole class looking at me, but the most important part is that they're all in my room at the facility. •Yeah I'm good, why do you ask?•

"You've been unconscious for a lot longer then we were considering we all have been waiting for you to wake up." That makes sense, the gas is made to knock me out fast and keep me out for a while.

"Does anyone know where we are?" "No none of us were awake to be able to tell, sorry Aizawa sensei." "You're alright, just wanted to check." I don't think it'd be a good idea to tell them I know where we are. Hm? Oh that's Papa's scent.

     *Door Opens* "Oh, I see you're all awake. I just came in check if you all had woken up yet." Everyone just got super stiff, why would they-, oh right, they still think we're all in danger.

•Hey Kiri, can you tell everyone to calm down? He won't hurt us.• "How do you know that? We've all been kidnapped and you're telling me we won't be hurt?!" *eye roll* Why'd he have to yell? •Yes that's what I'm telling you• It was actually really funny to see everyone looking confused and lost, but it was kinda sad they were all on edge. Papa wouldn't hurt them, not unless he was forced to.

"He's telling the truth, I won't hurt any of you. I doubt I'd be able to anyway considering Izu seems protective of you all." Gosh darn it papa, they didn't know I know you. •Papa! They don't know I know you!• "Oh yeah, oops. Sorry Izu." Hmph. *pout*

"Aizawa sensei?" "Yes Kirishima? Why do you look so shocked?" "Izuku just called him 'Papa'." Oh shoot, forgot Kiri could understand me. "Midoryia, why are you calling him your dad?"

Oh boy, here we go. I hope it's off. •Hey Papa, is it off?• *head nod* "Is what off?" •The listening device.• "Why would you ask if it was off?" Time to break them all, and I can actually talk to them now. "Cause if it's off it means I can talk you all!"

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