Our Bond

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Shoot. I knew he was gonna ask that question but I still wasn't prepared for it! "Midoryia, is there anything else we don't know?" *Nod* "Yeah, there is. It's just not something I thought I'd be sharing for a while." *Ears pinned to the head* I hope they don't reject me. I don't think I could survive that.

"I guess a good place to start would be who it involves." Man this is more stressful than I thought it would be. "Who it involves?" "Yeah. The other thing that I've been keeping secret involves Kirishima and Kaminari." I can feel them staring. I can't look at them, not right now. "Zuzu, are you alright? Your ears and tail are down." "Currently I'm alright, but that might change." "How so?" Gosh darn it, Kami is giving me his questioning gaze. Why does he have to be so cute?!

     "I recently learned of something involving my species. The thing I learned explained why I feel comfortable around both Kiri and Kami." "You feel comfortable around us?" "Yeah, I do. A big example of that is I let you pet me. I don't like people touching my ears. Papa had been the only one I allowed to touch my ears, though with you guys it came naturally." So naturally, I never want you to stop. It always feels so comforting and nice.

     "So this thing explains why you feel comfortable with us petting you?" "Mhm." Breath, just breathe. "I was told that there was a connection or bond between us." "A bond?" "Yeah, it basically connects us, but there's a bigger meaning that I thought I'd have more time to think about before telling you." Oh gosh, this might be it, but I feel like they feel the same. "So the bond the three of you have has a deeper meaning?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa. The term for the bond that my species uses is a mate bond." Oh gosh, the staring is to much. I can't look at them.

     "In human terms it would be considered a soulmate bond." I can tell Papa is coming over to me, I don't want them to reject me! *Whimper* *Hug* Papa, I don't know if I can handle rejection! "Wait why is he whimpering?! Is he in pain?!" "Don't worry Kaminari he's not in pain, just scared of your reaction." "Scared of our reaction?" "Yeah, he wanted to get to know you better but unfortunately that didn't get to happen."

The bond doesn't feel tight. Does that mean they feel the same? I mean, wouldn't I feel it if the bond were starting to snap? "Well I'd like to say that I feel the same! That goes for you to Kiri!" "I agree with Kami, I feel the same both ways." They feel the same. They feel the same! Eeeeeeeee!!!!!! *Tail Wagging* "I'm so happy!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you! I promise to keep you both safe!" I went and jumped into their arms, I knew my tail was wagging but I didn't care at the moment. They felt the same as me! "I hate to break up this heart felt moment but what are we gonna do about us being here?" Seriously Iida?! Right when I'm having a moment?!

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