Shock and Cuddles

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*Whimper* It hurts. Why did they have to say that out loud? "What's wrong, why are you whimpering?!" The worry in Sharky's voice made me feel better. •Cuddle. Pika.• Gosh, it hurts to move. *Loud whimper* "Kami, he want to snuggle you!" "On it"

And then the pain was less. I think with him having an electricity quirk he can take some of the shock away from me. "Why is there electricity going through you?!" I didn't really feel like answering, so I just snuggled closer to him. "Wait, there was electricity going through him?!" "Still is."

"Hey Zuzu, you feeling alright?" •Tired, hurt• "You feel tired and hurt?" *Small nod* "What was that?" •No, say• I can barely think due to that shock, Papa said they would only turn on the shock if I said anything. "You can't tell us?" *Loud whimper* "The electricity just got stronger!" The pain then became even less and I could feel myself being pulled into a hug. •Should we refrain from talking about this out loud?• *Small nod* •Can I ask you questions in SL?• I just scooted closer to Pika. He makes me feel safe, safer than I though I could feel. •So is that a no?• *Nod* •Might, tell later, you, Pika only•

     "You gonna tell us what you were signing about?" The unknown hero started talking. Wonder who he is? "Sorry Mic-sensei, he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it." My eyes widened at this. He's covering for me, even though he could get in trouble for not telling them. "I'm sorry Midoryia, but we need an answer from you." Principal Nezu looks worried. *Small head shake* They tried getting an answer from me for a bit longer before Nezu gave up. In this time I had been shocked again, think this convinced them to just let it go. *Sigh* "Alright we'll let you all rest" Finally, I'll get to take my nap. I even get to snuggle Pika!

     They all started walking out leaving me, Pika, and Sharky alone to rest. •Sorry, make trouble• "It's alright, no need to be sorry." "What did he say?" "He was saying sorry for causing trouble." "Oh, that looked like only 2-3 signs." "That's cause it was. Go ahead and take a nap, you seem like you need it." *Soft smile* I like Sharky's smile, it's so calming. I wanna snuggle with him too. •Snuggle, both• "You wanna snuggle the both of us?" *Nod* *Small giggle* "Alright, you okay with that Kami?" "Of course I am! Come let me make some room."

     The next moment we're all snuggling on one bed. I felt Kiri's hand go up my head and start petting my ears. I don't normally like people touching them, but I have this feeling that Kiri will be gentle. I'm glad I listened to that feeling cause it felt so nice I leaned into his hand and fell asleep. Right before I knocked out I heard them both say "So cute!!".

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