Back to School

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It took me a while to calm Papa down but once he was calm I explained to him what Kira had told me. "So these boys are your mates. People you are soul bound too. Will it hurt you?" "Not the bond on its own, but it can hurt me if one of the boys are hurt." I think Papa is slight broken. Kira didn't tell me much, she really only answered my questions at that moment. I'll try to contact her later.

    It's the next day now and I'm on my way to school. I first travel through the forest surrounding the facility, then I take a back alley. Afterwards I'm on the main road and it's almost a straight shot to school. Takes about 15 minutes for me to get there, even though the forest is super large in diameter most of it is when I'm in public as I'm not allowed to use my "quirk" without a license.

     I love the outside world. All the colors and scents, it's so nice compared to the blandness of the facility. I usually meet up with Kiri at the front entrance to school, I can't wait to see him again!

     "Hey Zuzu! How was you night?" •Pretty good actually. It was a lot calmer compared to other nights• "Nice!" *Blush* Now that I think about it, Kiri is really cute. Would he mind if I hold his hand? •Could I hold your hand?•

     Oh my gosh we're holding hands!! *Intense Blush* "Is this good?" *Nod* I hope this can happen more often. I wonder if they'd except me if they knew I wasn't a full human.

     We made our way to class and when we entered we found a confused Kami being bombarded with questions. "Guys I'm fine you don't need to worry. The area of the wound is just sore, but other than that I'm fine." "Hey guys! Has Aizawa gotten here yet?" I took a sec to sniff the room and found that sensei was hiding in his sleeping bag under his desk. "Alright problem children get to your seats or I'm handing out more homework." With that the day began.

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