He Won't Die

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"What do you mean heal?!" I can't focus on him right now, Kaminari needs immediate help or he won't make it. •No distractions or he won't make it• At this he went quiet. I could faintly hear him tells the others to stay quiet but all my attention was on Kaminari.

In case you don't remember at the very beginning of my journey, Papa told me to pick either the wolf traits or one of my other abilities to play as my quirk. This is one of those other abilities, heal. Though they aren't quirks, the facility that I reside in also works on artificial quirks. Heal allows me to draw energy from other sources to speed up a healing process. I first use my own energy, then I use the persons energy, and if I still need more I have one of 2 options. The first being to find an outside source like fire or other people. The second is the one I avoid using unless absolutely necessary, it involves me forcing the patients body to create more energy which is very painful.

     Thankfully there are a bunch of people for me to draw energy from. I quickly get to work, sending energy out of my body and into Kami's starting the healing process. I can feel everyone staring at me, but I guess that would make sense as they had n0 clue I could heal.

     Kami's wound is bad, so much so that my energy has done very little to heal his body. I start using his energy but it runs out fairly fast resulting in me needing to draw energy from the group. I heard their gasps of surprise as they most likely felt the energy being drawn and funneled through them.

     It only took a few minutes, but I ended up healing Kami using less energy then I anticipated. Though I knew what was about to happen after. It took a lot out of me resulting in me on the verge of passing out. It will take some time for Kami to wake up but that's normal, though sense I had to funnel all the energy through Kiri he's also likely to faint. I feel myself falling unconscious but I know I did good because that tightening in my chest vanished leaving me relaxed.

     Right before I passed out I heard Mr.Aizawa say "Everyone head back to class. Me and some of the other pros will bring them to the infirmary." I know questions will come when I wake up, but at the moment all I care about is sleep, and that's exactly what I do.

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