Training Part 3

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     After leaving Todoroki we both went up to the second floor. I can tell Mina has gotten agitated as the breathing I can hear coming of her has quickened, think she might have realized Todoroki isn't responding on her ear piece. "Where do you think Mina is located on the third floor?" I draw a square on the floor signifying the floor and point to a spot. "You think she's there? *Nod* "Alright" We then come up with a plan that can work around the situation to either capture Mina or retrieve the bomb.

     We decided that I would run up to Mina, with I try to capture her or I just distract her long enough for Pikachu to touch the bomb. Our plan is now in motion I run up to Mina and try grabbing her, her reflexes are faster then I thought as she was able to move out of the way last minute without me even alerting her of my presence. "Oh my!? I did not think you were that fast?!" She then shoots her acid at me and I realize that it would be best for me to just distract her. This is a good time to show my endurance.

     I run around and dodge her attacks. I'm basically taking her on a wild goose chase. It ended up being at least 2 minutes of me running around and dodging Mina, think Pikachu forgot he'd need to go touch the bomb if she was able to counter me. I'm pretty sure everyone has now realized how large my endurance is as I haven't even broken a sweat and Mina has already started panting. I then pulled an unexpected move, I ran at her looking like I was going in for the punch so she blocked her face, big mistake, I get down low and sweep her legs making her fall. As she was stunned from the fall I tied her up, just like Todoroki.

     "Midoryia and Kaminari have captured both Todoroki and Mina making them the winners!!" I was happy, not even the slightest bit tired from this training exercise. With all my hand to hand combat and martial art skills I have a feeling that the others will have a hard time beating me.

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