The Game Begins

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     After the last two groups went Mr.Aizawa sent us back to the dorms for the night. Dad had told me that the higher ups also let me stay at the dorms during school days to seems less suspicious, so I would need to go back on the weekends but thats fine with me. It means I get to spend more time with my class and hopefully new friends.

     "Does anyone wanna play truth or dare?!" "As long as we don't stay up over 7:30 then it is acceptable" *Hand Chop* Iida really is up tight. The rest of the class agreed so here I am playing a game I don't know how to play.

     As we sat in the common room I asked Sharky a question. •Hey Sharky? How do you play this game?• He looked at me a little surprised, guess this is a pretty common game. •Well it's basically where someone asks someone else 'truth or dare' if the person says 'truth' then the person that asked gets to ask a question and the person has to tell the truth. If the person says 'dare' then the person that asked gets to tell the other to do something.• •Can I watch for a bit so I can see how it works as well?• •Of course you can Zuzu^^•

     "Awww Midoryia is your tail wagging?!" Huh? Why would Uraraka think my tail is wagging? "Awwww it is!" *Turns around* ?! Gosh darn it tail you're supposed to be on my side! *Grabs tail* Ugh now I'm all red from embarrassment! *Hides face* "Awww no need to be embarrassed Midobro it's cute and you probably can't control it that well" Did Pikachu just call me cute?!

     I think my tail began to wag even more, *sigh* no point in trying to hide it they've already seen it and he guessed right in saying that I can't control the wagging. I just put on a giant happy smile and let my tail express my feelings. Pretty sure the majority of the class thought my smile and wagging tail were super adorable. "Let's get this truth or dare started!!" Oh boy, wonder what's gonna happen through out this game.

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