Waking Up

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I wake up to find I'm in RG's office. That makes sense seeing as I had passed out. That's when I remembered that both Sharky and Pikachu should be here as well. That's when their scent hit me. They were here as well, both of them are awake too. I calmed down at this, knowing they were safe and awake gave me the courage to sit up.

"Hey Zuzu, how you feeling?" •Tired, but is Pika okay?• "What'd he say Kiri?" "He was asking if you were okay." "Oh, well in that case, I'm all good Midobro." •That's good• *Small smile* "Awww you're so cute Zuzu!" Wait a minute, he said that out loud in front of Kami! "Zuzu?" "Oh I started calling him that I while ago. Thought it sounded cute." "Could I call you that Midoryia?" *Little head nod* "Thank you Zuzu!"

My god is he adorable. For some reason I really like them calling me that. I hope they continue calling me that, but I wonder when the questions will start coming. •Am I gonna be questioned?• •Most likely, but at the moment they're just letting the three of us rest• •That's good. We all need the rest.•

"I can't understand sign language guys, or is this a private convo?" "No, no, it's not private. I just keep forgetting to translate, he was just wondering if he will be questioned as well as that we all need rest" "Oh alright... Hey Zuzu?" *Slight head tilt* "Could we ask you some questions?" •Depends on the questions• "He says it depends on the questions" "Well, I was kinda wondering how you healed me, but my new question is why we all need rest?" •Well you because your body needs to regain some energy after the healing, me because I was the one expending energy to heal you, and Kiri cause I used him as a funnel to gather the necessary energy to heal you• "Simple version, you cause you were injured, him cause he was the one healing, and me cause I was used as some sort of energy funnel" "Huh, that's interesting. Thank you for answering ^^" •Np• "He said no problem" "Thank you as well Kiribro, for translating for me" "I say the same as Zuzu, not a problem" *Thumbs up*

Just then the door to our room opened. I guess this is the time, I knew they were going to come interrogate me eventually. "Midoryia, we have some questions we'd like you to answer" •Alright•

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