The Hard Questions

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     "Midoryia we have some questions we'd like you to answer." •Alright• I now await the inevitable question. Right now there's Aizawa, RG, Nezu, and some other pro I haven't met before. "I'll start off with asking, how you all are doing?" "I'm feeling pretty good actually, better then I thought I would be after being stabbed." "I'm feeling good as well, just a little tired tho." "Midoryia?" •I feel like I could sleep for 48 hours straight• "Kirishima?" "He thinks he could sleep for 48 hours straight."

"I would appreciate you staying awake until after we get our questions answered." I gave them all a small thumbs up. I just hope that they get these questions over with quickly so I can take a nap.

     "Alright, first question. Does your healing quirk have any side effects?" Huh thought he would just go straight into 'Why did you keep your other quirk secret?'. •The side effects really just depend on whether I found enough energy to heal the person or if I had to force the body to make the energy• "He said it depends on if he found the needed energy or if he had to force the energy" "Could you elaborate on that?" Huh, I mean, it makes sense that RG wants to know more. •If I gather enough energy from an outside force the only side effect is that the area of the wound is sore for a bit and the person is slightly tired, but both don't last that long. However if I have to force the body it becomes a painful process, so much so that a person might rather die instead of being healed. The only other difference is that a forced heal doubles the previous healings effect's• "Shorter answer is with a non forced energy heal the area of the wound is a bit sore and the person is slightly tired while a forced heal is incredibly painful and it doubles the effects of the non forced healing."

"That is an incredible quirk. Why did you choose to hide it?" Oh no, this is bad. •I can't tell you• "Why can't you tell us?" Crap, he said it out loud. Pika must have noticed the fear in my face as he then asked "Why are you so scared to tell us?". •I-• And then there was so much pain I couldn't help but whimper.

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