A Pack?

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  Ugh, I think I hit the floor on my way down. *Giggle* "Yeah, you did do that." "Nice to know, now what exactly did you want to talk about?" I'm back in the blank void that is my mind. Kira doesn't seem on edge so I doubt something bad is gonna happen.

"Your thoughts are correct, I do not have a warning for you." "Thank the stars. So what do you want to talk with me about?" "I figured out how you'd give someone a pack mark." Hang on. "Wait really?! That means I'll be able to actually have my own pack! Eeeeee!!!!!! I'm so excited!" *Wagging Tail* "Heh, I'm glad you feel that excited about it. Though getting back on track, the way you'd mark someone as part of your pack is just by focusing on establishing a bond with them, and it'll work the same with your mates."

     *Tail Wagging Lots* "I can't wait to do that with everyone! That is, if they're willing to join my pack." "Would you like to know some of the things the pack bond would allow?" *Gasp* "Yes, yes, yes! Pretty please?" *Giggle* "Alright, well, one of the things it will allow you to do is know when someone in your pack is in trouble. It will also create a pack mind."

A pack mind? That sounds cool but what is it? "What does that mean exactly?" "Well it will make it so everyone in the pack can communicate through a form of telepathy. That means a pack member would be able to talk with another member without verbally saying anything. I'm also pretty sure a person would be able to choose whether to address the whole pack or just one person." *Silence* "That's so cool! That'd be such an advantage when fighting cause we could communicate without the enemy ever hearing anything!"

     "Yes that is something you would be able to do. There is lots more to learn but those are the main ones. I will let you figure out what else it can do or allow. Later, if there is still things you do not know I will tell you." "Alright Kira! So I'll see you later?" "Goodbye for now, Izuku." My body feels lighter, guess that means I'm waking up. I can't wait to see how many of them are willing to join my pack.

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