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"Alright class lets get a move, Kirishima and Midoryia go sit down so we can start the day" For some reason I found the class work very easy. Oh, right, I've been able to work myself up to college level studies so it makes sense that I find this pretty easy.

After class Mr.Aizawa took us out to one of the UA fields to get hero practicing in. I have a feeling that sensei will make me do something so I'll have to be mindful. Sense my wolf attributes aren't a quirk I'll have to stay observant to make sure that I stop using them if Aizawa were to use his quirk on me.

"Midoryia I'd like you to show us what you can do with your quirk"•Alright but it's hard for me to show you all as the only stuff I'm really able to show on my own are my endurance and speed. Also the warning bit of my quirk is not of my control, I really just interpret what my Goddess says• "He said that he can't really show it all as the only things he's really able to show us is his endurance and speed. He also said that him receiving warnings is not under his control, just that he interprets what his Goddess tells him" "Alright then, we could do a team exercise similar to the one we did near the beginning of school"

The class agreed that we could try it and see what happens. After a few matches it was mine and Pikachu's turn. Unfortunately I won't be able to really communicate with him so I'll just have to use hand signals with him. We then figure out that we're going against Mina and the peppermint guy, think is name is Todoroki.

"How exactly are we going to communicate as you can't talk and I don't understand sign language" This is tricky, how do I tell him I'll use hand signals. "Hey you two" Huh who said that?! "Kiribro what you doing here?" Oh it's just Sharky. "Mr.Aizawa said I can't help you during the match but I could help you figure something out before the match" My gosh he's a lifesaver. •Hey Sharky could you tell Pikachu that I plan on using hand signals to kinda 'talk' to him?• "Oh sure. Midobro said that he plans on using hand signals to communicate with you" "Oh that makes sense. Anything else I need to know before the match Midobro?" •If I tell you to do something pls follow and if you can't guess what I'm saying try to just follow what I'm doing• "Kiri?" "He said he wants you to listen to what says and if you can't figure out what he's saying then to just follow what he does" "Alright. We got this Midobro " *Thumbs up* Let's see how this game plays out.

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