A Warning

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     Tonight has been so much fun. All the movies, all the laughs, I'm glad they're all my friends. Time to go meet everyone in the common room. Wonder what's for breakfast?

     •Hey Kiri! How was your night?• "Oh I had very good nights rest. What about you?" We're both currently standing in common room, everyone's getting themselves breakfast. •Oh I'm doing-• ??? Why do I feel so tired and weak all of a sudden? My body feels heavy. "Hey, you doing alright Zuku? You don't look to good?" I'm just going to sit down. "Guys! I think something's going on with Midoryia!" •Hold, me• "Alright Zuzu. I've got you now, do you know what's going on?" *Head shake* "How is he Kirishima?" Momo? "I don't know, he just stopped signing, sat on the floor, then asked me to hold him." "Do you think he might be receiving a warning?" Koda? That would make sense. I'm just gonna close my eyes and see what happens. I trust everyone to watch me and keep me safe until I wake up.

     "Hey Izuku." "Hey Kira, is everything alright?" "Currently yes, but later won't be." "Are you giving me a warning?" "Yes, something bad will happen today, but you have to listen to what they say or else it will be worse." Suddenly my body started feeling lighter. "Wait how do I know who 'they' are?!" I'm waking up. "When you see them you'll know. I wish you luck Izuku."

     *Gasp* "Wow wow, calm down, it's alright Zuzu." Kiri? Oh yeah, I asked him to hold me before I fell asleep. "Are you alright Midoryia?" Wait when did Mr. Aizawa get here? How long was I out? •I'm alright, just felt very tired suddenly• "He says he's alright just that he felt really tired all of a sudden." "Alright, Midoryia both Yayorozu and Koda think you were receiving a warning. Is that true?" Do I tell them? Yeah, I probably should. •I was told that something bad will happen today, but I don't know anything else.• They don't need to know the rest, that part only involves me.

     "Well that's not any good." "What's he say Kiri?" "He said that he was told something bad will happen today but nothing else." *Sigh* "Seems like we'll just have to stay on guard." What does Aizawa sensei mean by that? Wouldn't it be best to cancel whatever was gonna happen today? "What do you mean by that Aizawa sensei?" Heh, same old Iida asking the important questions. "A mall had asked principal Nezu for a hero class to guard the building for a day, and unfortunately we can't decline." Oh, now that's not any good.

A Special Warning WolfWhere stories live. Discover now