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"Yeah what are we gonna do about being here? It's not like can leave, but we can't stay either." "Well, if you all behave we'll be able to let you leave after a few months." Papa, you better let them know that they can stay as well as I want them to stay. "Wait what?! You can seriously just let us leave?!" "Yes that is something I can do Aizawa. Though it might be worth it to stay."

"Stay? We all have family to get back to, we can't just stay." "Well considering some of you already don't like your family's this is a good place. Plus I want to stay with you all." The likelihood that I'll be allowed to go out again is low so if you all leave I probably won't see any of you again. "You want us to stay with you?" "Yeah, I consider all of you family and I don't want to lose any of you." "If it's worth anything none of you would be forced to do anything as well as you can still train and learn. We have an outside area now where you could spend time training your quirks and just being outside. We can get whatever is needed to learn in the form of books or supplies, and healthcare would be provided." "So basically everything would be taken care of if we stay. Why would you go through all that effort?"

     "Because Izuku cares for all of you. I want him to be happy and I can tell he's happy with all of you." I hope they all stay, it'd hurt to lose them. Especially Kiri and Kami. "I'll stay!" ...... "Kaminari what are you saying?!" *sigh* "I don't have the best relationship with my family and I'd rather stay here with Izuku." "I agree with Kami, I want to stay here with Izu." Yes yes yes. My mates want to stay with me! *Tail wagging lots* "I think I speak for the rest of class when I say I want to stay as well." *Many agreements*

     They all want to stay here with me. They all want to stay! Eeeeeeee, I'm so happy! "Seems as though everyone wants to stay, I promise to take care of all of you. What about you Aizawa?" I'm pretty sure everyone here turned to look at him. *Big sigh* "Seems as though I'll be staying here with you brats." "Really Mr. Aizawa?!" "Of course, who else would teach you problem children?"

     I'm so happy!!! My whole pack wants to stay! ..... Pack? Why'd I say pack. They're just my classmates and teacher. Right? Ugh, I'm getting so sleepy all of a sudden. Kira probably wants to talk. "Zuzu are you alright?" "I think the goddess wants to talk with me so I'm just gonna-" *Thump* *Snore*

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