The Full Truth

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     I broke them. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. I mean, I probably would to if I was in their shoes considering they just heard the supposed mute person speak.

     "You can talk?!" "Mhm. I just wasn't to allowed to unless I was in the facility." "What do you mean facility, this is the first time we've all been here?" Oh boy, time to confuse them. "It's not my first time here. I mean you're all in my designated room so I think that goes to show."

     Now they look even more confused. "You're telling us that you've been here enough times that you have your own room?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa. It's not that I've been here enough times but I've been here my whole life."

"You what?!" *Whimper* To loud. Why did they have to be so loud?! "Everyone quiet!" ......... Why isn't there any noise? "Are you alright Izu?" Oh, Papa's holding me. "Yeah, I think I'm good. Why do you ask?" "A few of us noticed you whimpering and putting your ears against your head while wrapping your tail around yourself." I did that?! Wow, no wonder it was so quiet.

"Midoryia, how have you been here your whole life?" "That's an easy question to answer Aizawa sensei. Papa had found me in the woods around here and has taken care of me here ever since." "Can you explain why here instead of his home?"
That would be a great question for Papa. "I can answer that. The higher up's had seen him as a perfect candidate and had instructed me to be his observer and care taker."

You could see the confusion on all their faces. "Zuzu, what does he mean by that?" "Well Kiri, that's a loaded answer. Might be best if everyone sits down for this explanation."

     They all sat opposite of me while I sat next to Papa. It looks similar to a classroom arrangement just that instead of everyone sitting right behind each other it's a zigzag formation.

     "I'll start off with the fact that I'm not human." "What?! How can you not be human?!" "Well, you all see my ears and tail right? Well they aren't a part of my quirk. The wolf traits are due to the genetic modifications I went through." "You went through genetic modification?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa. That's why I'm here. I was a perfect candidate because I don't have a quirk and there wouldn't be any legal documents of me being born or adopted. I'm also seen as nothing more then a test subject for the higher ups."

     They're all looking at me sadly. I don't want them to be sad. "You don't need to worry tho! I was lucky enough to be in this facility with Papa as my caretaker." "How is that supposed to make us feel better?!" "Because Kiri, this is one of the few facilities that has kind workers and Papa is very good at his job, I rarely need to go through the same test more then once." *Bright Smile* *Sigh* "Alright then Midoryia, is there anything else you haven't told us?"

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