Class 1A

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     It's my first day of school, like real school. Not me just studying a book and taking tests on my own but actually learning from teachers and taking tests with others. Papa helped get me caught up with many of the common stuff that would be strange if I didn't know. He also told me what rules I'd need to follow if I wanted to continue going to a public school.


     "Though there will be some rules you have to follow when outside" I decided it would be best to calm down so I don't miss something. After I calmed myself as best as I could I sat back down in front of Papa. "Alright I'm listening now" "Good now rule #1 you are to never tell anyone about this place. Rule #2 you will only be allowed to use one of your abilities whether that be your wolf traits or any of the others that's up to you to decide. Rule #3 you are to go by the name Izuku Midoryia whenever you're outside. Rule #4 you will talk in only sign language, that means no regular talking. Rule #5 -"

"Sorry for interrupting but why can't I use my voice?" "Oh it's one of the conditions the head boss had. It's so then you don't accidentally say something. They will also have a listening device on you so they will be able to tell if you say something." "What happens if I do say something?" "....." "Papa, what will happen if I speak?" *Sigh* " The people listening will give you a controlled shock" I was a little surprised but I guess it made sense as they couldn't risk me saying something. "You only have to more rules" "Oh and what are they" "Rule #5, try not to stand out" He probably noticed my confused look cause he then explained it. "What I mean by that is try not to aim for perfect scores. Like maybe purposely get some questions wrong or fail something in the fitness test." "Ohhhh that makes sense. So what's the last rule???" "Your last rule..... is to have fun!!! Make some friends go run around a park, just have fun while out there" "Of course I'm gonna have fun!!!! This will be the most fun I've had in my entire life!!!!!"

End of Flashback:

So yeah those are my rules. Kinda sucks I'm not allowed to speak but hey, it's not the end of the world. While walking to UA I decided that I would use my wolf attributes as my quirk. That will make it less suspicious if I end up hearing something or if people start asking about my abnormal endurance.

After a lot more walking I finally made it to my class, class 1A. Wonder what kind of people I'll be learning with. Will they be nice? Will they be mean? Guess that something else I'll need to find out.

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