Explaining #2

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We both walk out the building to find that everyone looked kinda agape at me. They were probably just trying to process what happened during our training battle. "How were you able to dodge and counter my attacks for so long without even breaking a sweat?!" Even Mina was still trying to figure out what happened and she experienced it.

•My quirk can be uncontrollable at some points so I find it more reliable to use hand to hand combat or martial arts over my quirk making it so I'm more experienced without my quirk as well as my endurance, speed, and reflexes are more advanced compared to others• "Can you explain it a bit more, kinda confusing" "Uh Kirishima" "Yeah Mr.Aizawa?" "Translate please" .... "Oh right that's my job! Sorry I forgot about that. He was saying how his quirk is uncontrollable at some points so he prefers to use hand to hand combat or martial arts over his quirk. He also said that he's more experienced with fighting without his quirk that he's move advanced compared to us with his endurance, speed, and reflexes."

     He got a lot of it right surprisingly even tho he was kinda half paying attention. Think he was waiting for me to respond, but something tells me it might've been something else that distracted him, oh well doesn't concern me. Now I have to figure out how to explain it better.

     •Basically I have no control over the Warning bits, so I tend to not use it as then my Goddess knows that I really only want a warning if it's important. Reason being that if you contact her enough then she starts giving you smaller warnings like 'your favorite food won't be there' and yes it's nice to know that she would take the time to send that warning I receive warnings differently to normal wolves as I'm human• •How do you receive warnings?• •Well this could be useful information for when this eventually does happen. When I receive warnings I tend to pass out as that's the only way my body/I can process what she intends on saying to me• •So if you ever pass out for no apparent reason you're receiving an important warning?• •Yep also no need to worry I am unable to be woken up in that state as well as I will always wake up once I know the warning•

     "Kirishima what were you two talking about?" "Do you want me to translate it all?" He asked looking right at me. I smile at him and sign •you don't need to translate it, just tell them that if I were to ever fall unconscious for no reason then to just wait for me to wake up and if you're not there then send someone to go get you•. •Alright Zuzu•

A Special Warning WolfWhere stories live. Discover now