A Talk with Papa

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A few hours later RG came to check on us and said we were allowed to head back home. I plan on telling Papa what happened and that I told Kiri and Kami some stuff. I might even talk to Kira a bit to learn more about my species afterwards.

Whenever I'm back at the facility the listening device is turned off as there is no longer a need to know if I said anything. This makes it easier for them as well as me since they don't need to have someone listening in or recording while it allows me to talk about whatever I want without worrying.

"Hey Izuku how was your day?" "Very eventful, I'll tell you about it once I get to my room." Papa nodded and started telling me about what will be tested today, luckily it will be more on observing what I can do.

"Alright, here we are. You mind telling me what happened now?" "Where do I even start? You remember Kaminari right?" "That person you sometimes refer to as Pikachu?" "Yep that's the one, he was attacked by villains and was bleeding very badly." "Oh my gosh, is he alright?" During this time I put my stuff down and sat on my bed. As soon as I told Papa that he came and gave me a sideways hug. "He's alright now but he would've died if I didn't heal him." "Now that's not good, did anyone see?" "I had to use the energy of multiple people including some pros, so yeah people did see." "Did they ask about it?" "Of course they did, but I refused to tell them anything and the people who were listening in shocked me like 3 times. The voltage level even went up, I never even spoke out loud."

The exasperation in my voice was very evident. I then told Papa about me vaguely telling the boys about my situation. *Sigh* "I'm just glad they won't tell anyone and that they want you to be safe. If this happens again don't say anything and just let it be, okay?" *Sad nod* Suddenly Papa started petting my ears making my tail wag and me purr. *Purrrrrr* "Hehe, you really do like being pet." "Yeah, but when Kami and Kiri pet me it feels like I'm on cloud nine." "You let them pet you? I though you didn't like people touching your ears?" "I don't, but they're my mates so they make me feel safe." ..... "They're your what?!" Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell him that. Curse the feeling of being pet for making me forgot to keep that secret.

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