The Mall Kidnapping

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I so badly hope that no one will get hurt. We're all at the mall right now, and it's full of people. The person in charge of the mall set us all up in different areas. I was placed near the child day care. I think they did this because I look like a 'puppy' and can calm down the children as well as entertain them.

     Never thought I'd like kids this much. They're all so cute too! "Hey mister. Can I pet your ears?" *Nod* I got down on the ground and picked up the child, putting them on my shoulders so they have easier access to my ears. "Hehehe. Your ears are so fluffy!" *Tail Wagging* Gosh, I'm in love with children now. Maybe Kiri or Kami would be willing to have a kid with me?

     *Ding* Hmm? Oh Kiri just texted. -We're meeting up at one of the more secluded areas to get some privacy.-
-Got it, give me a sec.-
Alright now he knows I'll be there. *Picks up child and sets them down* Let me get my phone out so I can tell them I'll be heading out for a bit.
-I'll be heading out, pls stay here until your parent picks you up.- "Alright, bye bye Mr. Wolf!" *Wave* Gosh I want children now.

     "Hey Zuku! I see you made it over here." •Yep, one of the kids were petting my ears so I had to take them off my shoulders before coming over here• "Ahhh, alright. Did you enjoy those pets?" •Course I did Kami, they were being so sweet when they asked so I couldn't say no!• "He said yes cause they were yo sweet to say no to." "Ahhhh that makes sense."

     Why do I feel like someone is watching us? Shouldn't we be alone? Oh no, we're in a desolate area and I was told something bad was going to happen.

     All of a sudden we were surrounded by masked people. "I suggest you listen to what we say if you don't want to get hurt." "Who are you and what do you want from me and my students?" "87 get over here if you don't want your friends to be hurt." They want me. I'm the person they're after. I have to listen to them or else something worse will happen. "Who are you talking- Midoryia why are you getting closer to them!?" "Good boy 87." I walked over to them. I didn't want to but it will be worse if I disobey. "Unfortunately you people have seen to much, so you're all gonna have to come with us. Gas them." Wait what?! "Don't you dare, hurt my students." *Thud* Aizawa sensei is down, so is everyone else. This isn't gonna be good. And just like that everything went black.

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