Joining the Pack

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     Ugh, my body hurts. Whelp, I mean hitting the floor is going to hurt. "You good Izuku?" Huh? Oh right I'm not alone currently. "Yeah I'm good Papa, just sore from hitting the ground." "That's kinda to be expected." I know that already Papa. *Eye Roll*

     "So what did you and Kira talk about?" Did I ever tell them her name is Kira? Oh well, I'll just let them know anyway. "For anyone who doesn't know Kira is my wolf goddess and we were talking about how to start my own pack!" Out of everyone in the room only Papa understood what I meant. "That's amazing Izuku!" "Is anyone gonna explain or are we just gonna be left in the dark?" "Well, wild wolves have packs and Papa as well as others that work in the industry believed I might be capable of having a pack. Kira just told me that it's possible and how to do it!"

*Happy Wolf Noises* "Awwwww you're so cute Zuzu!" "Thank you Kiri!" He called me cute!^^ "Let's have everyone sit down while Izuku explains." After Papa said that everyone started sitting down in a circle formation and were waiting for me to start. "Well Kira explained to me that since my pack would likely be human she gave me the ability to mark people as part of my pack. Normally that would be the job of the Alpha but it was very unlikely that I'd find another half wolf person." "Why exactly are you telling us this? I don't think this is currently important for us to know right now."

Iida really does ruin the mood. Though how am I gonna explain it to them? Eh I'll just wing it. "I'm telling you all because I see you guys as my unofficial pack. My wolf instincts also already see you guys as part of my pack. Kira said it was because my wolf part feels the need to be in a pack." Gosh I feel so nervous. "You see us as a form of family?" "Mhm! If you're all alright with it I was wondering if I could give you guys my pack mark?"

Somehow I'm even more nervous, though that might just be because of my urge to be in a pack. ..... "I'm alright with it! It sounds fun!" Of course Mina would find it fun. "I think I speak for Kami as well when I say sure." "I 100% agree with Kiri Zuzu." Everyone is saying yes. I'm going to have a pack. I'm going to have a pack! Eeeeee!!!!! This is so wonderful! "Just one question, does it hurt?" "No idea!"

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