A Friendly Shark

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Man that's a huge door. Oh well, the size doesn't really affect me. Now do I knock or just walk in? "Mr.Aizawa there's someone outside the door" Shoot I've been caught. "Oh that must be him, come on in" Welp looks like I'm going in.

*Opens door* Everyone's staring at me, I don't like this much attention. I walk up to the board and stand next the tall black haired man. "Everyone I want you to meet your new classmate" I gave a small wave. I hope that satisfies them. "Hey new student welcome to class 1A, my name is Mina Ashido. What's yours?" •My name is Izuku Midoryia• "????" Do they not understand sign language? "What's with all that hand movement!!!" Oh boy, there's an angry Pomeranian. "That's not nice to say Bakubro. I apologize for his behavior"

Aww the red shark stood up for me. •It's alright sharky• "! Do I really look that similar to a shark?" Wait, he understood me? "Kirishima do you know what he's saying?" "Yea I do Sensei. He's just talking in sign language" "Does anyone else know sign language?" Nobody raises their hands. This might be a problem.

"Alright, Kirishima you'll stay with the new kid and be his translator" "Hai sensei" He then stood up and walked over to me. I think he realized I was nervous cause he looked me in the eye and gave me a thumbs up. "Real quick he said his name is Izuku Midoryia" •Can you ask them if they have any questions• •Sure thing ^^• "He wanted me to ask if anyone has any questions for him" I have a strong feeling that Sharky is gonna become a good friend.

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