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They are locked inside the female omega's room.

They didn't know what to say or how to even react, and all they could do was bring themselves to the reality that the famous model was really there. At the same house, in the same space, and with the same air as them.

Danielle is no different—maybe more cold. She has her cold palms on either side of her face, calming her breathing and most especially her burning cheeks.

In any case, she just embarrassed herself in front of her biggest celebrity crush!

How can she possibly face him normally?

"He's... wow", Renjun said first.

"I gotta remind myself that I got a mate. Wait,", Giselle said, calling her alpha.

"Elle", Haechan called, yet the girl is still lost in space. "DANIELLE!"

"Shut up", she mumbled. "There's no way."

"Can you set me up with him?", Chenle quipped.

"No way! Me first!", Renjun pushed him by the shoulder.

"Excuse my sexy hips, I'm riding first", Haechan grinned.

"No one's riding, the fuck", Danielle groaned and dropped her face on the pillow. "Kill me."

"Stop the drama and talk to him", Renjun says, hitting her side. "Ask him why he's here."

"If he'll be living here, wouldn't you two be live-ins?", Chenle teased.

"Oh, quit it; I look like a tomato here!"

"Alright, sweets, I'm outta here. Whoo, that's a challenge", Giselle wiped the nonexistent sweat on her forehead. "So are you going to stay here until Sunday?"

Danielle sat up, her lips puckered in a pout and her eyes almost brimming with tears.

"I'm shy"

They laughed

"You don't have to; you're good", Renjun commented.

"Yeah, surely he understood. Your reaction is normal. I mean, if it's me, I already fainted", Haechan added.

"But what if he's judging me?"

"I doubt that. He looks happy to see you", Giselle said, who also receives looks. "Alpha instincts", she explained.

"Please, I don't want to embarrass myself further", Danielle rolled her eyes.

"Then don't. Just be yourself", Giselle replied.

The omega looked at her in disbelief and said, "Being myself means more embarrassment. Do you want me to run my mouth like a machine gun in front of him?"

"Why not? It's you. It's better than faking yourself. Us alphas tend to like true people better. If anything, he'll find you cute."


ALPHA UNIVERSE #6: HEAVEN AND HIMWhere stories live. Discover now