Secret admirer (Vsoo)

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Jisoo pov

I am now on my school hallway going towards my locker . While I am on my way I hear someone shouting my name . I look towards the source of the voice and saw my three besties Jennie , Rosé , lisa . I gave my famous heart shaped smile towards them .

Jenlisé : Good morning , unnie .

Jisoo : Good morning, y'all .

Then I opened my locker to take out my books . The time I opened my locker I again saw a letter and a chocolate box . I looked around and found no one suspicious . Then I looked towards my friends to find them smiling at me teasingly .

Rosé : I assume that's from your secret admirer again .

Lisa : Of course, who else would it be from ?

Jennie : Unnie , open the letter I am curious to know what sweet things he wrote this time .

I opened the letter and found a beautiful handwriting . I read it loud for my friends to hear .

'They say it's really good for us to eat sweets in the morning . That's why I bought you this chocolate . Hope you like it . Don't worry about me . It's enough for me to see your sweet smile in the morning to make the rest of my day good'

Your secret admirer

After reading it my friends started squealing loudly and I blushed .

Jennie : Omg unnie , I swear this is so sweet !!!

Rosé : I really wanna know who this is . Like seriously he is soooooo sweet . If my future bf isn't this sweet to me I am not dating him .

Lisa : Why don't your secret admirer just propose to you? Like it's been more than two months he has been sending gifts and letters to you . I am curious too about who this is .

Jisoo : Guys I am too dying to know who this is . I already fell in love with his letters and gifts I wonder how would he look like .

Yes , you heard it right . I am already in love with this mysterious person . I do have a guess about who this is . But I am not sure . Then the bell rang and we went to our class .

In class

While I was noting the things teacher was saying I felt a sharp stare on me . I looked around the class and found no one staring at my direction . Maybe I was just hallucinating . Then the rest of the classes went by with me feeling uncomfortable because of that feeling . I was continuously feeling stares on me . Then the bell rang indicating it was time for lunch . I quickly put my books in my bag and went out finding my besties waiting for me . We together went towards the cafeteria and found a table and started eating .

Rosé : I swear the food in our cafeteria is the best . (Said with mouth full of food)

Jisoo : Yah , what did I said about talking while eating !??!

Rosé : Sorry unnie . (Smiling sheepishly)

Jenlisa : Rosie posie did it again . (Chuckling)

Rosé : Yah , stop it guys !!! (Pouting)

We all burst out laughing . Then our laughter was interrupted with one of our junior calling my name and handing me a letter .

Chaeryeong : Jisoo sunbae , this is for you .

Jisoo : Who is it from ?

Chaeryeong: Sorry , not allowed to say that . (Giggling) 

After that she went away . I looked at my friends they were also looking at me .

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