Soft (Yoonnie)

391 17 2

A girl sitting in the bathroom nervously waiting patiently with a pregnancy test infront of her . She is nervous about the results . What if it's positive ? Should she be happy or sad ? Will everyone accept it ? How will her life be in the future ? Will she be a good mother ? All these thoughts were running in her mind . While being deep in thoughts she realized it was time to check the results . She nervously with shaking hands took the pregnancy test and slowly opened her eyes to look at it . It was positive . She put her hand in her mouth and felt her eyes getting wet . A few seconds later she felt that her tears were flowing continuously . She tried hard to control her sobs but it was of no use . Her roommates already knew what was happening inside .

Jisoo : Jennieya ! Is everything alright ?

Jennie : Ya-a unnie I-I a-am alright .

Rosé : Don't lie unnie . We know something is wrong .

Lisa : Unnie open the door please.

Jennie then slowly opened the door and was immediately pulled into a warm embrace by Jisoo . She broke down in her embrace . They then had a group hug .

Jisoo : Don't cry baby . What happened tell us .

Jennie : Guys I-I a-am so-rry . I am s-so sorry . P-please fo-orgive m-me .

Rosé : Why are you saying sorry unnie ? What happened ?

Lisa : Just tell us unnie . We will help you anyhow . I will also cry if you keep crying .

Jisoo : What is the result Jen ?

Jisoo's question got confused reactions from two and shocked reaction from one .

Jennie : U-unnie . H-how do y-you kn-now ?

Jisoo : Of course I am the eldest . I will obviously know what is happening with my younger sisters . (Smiling)

Jennie : Unnieeeeee . (Again crying)

Jisoo : (Laughing) Aish you crybaby . Just tell me what is the result . Am I going to be an aunt ??

Lisa and Rosé : WTF !!! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE !!?!

Jisoo : Yah !! Shut it down . (Glaring)

Lisa and Rosé : Oh sorry . But tell us what is happening here .

Jennie : You guys are going to be an aunt soon . (Smiling with teary eyes)


Jisoo : I swear Jen I am soooo happy for you . I am going to take care of you like you are the baby .

Rosé : Don't worry unnie . Now I am going to share my foods .

Lisa : Who is the father unnie ? I swear I am going to kill him for stealing my wifey from me .

Jennie was now giggling cutely . She was thanking every God for giving these precious girls in her life . But then again her smile dropped thinking about Lisa's first question .

Lisa : What happened unnie ?

Rosé : Why did you suddenly went into deep thoughts ?

Jisoo : Everything alright Jen ?

Jennie : I am okay . I am just thinking about the father . (Again getting teary)

Lisa : Why unnie ? Who is the father ?

Jennie : I-its.......Y-yoong-gi .

Jisoo : WHAT ? YOONGI ?!??

Rosé : AS IN MIN YOONGI ?!?!

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