Dare (Vsoo) {2}

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A loooooong chapter . I didn't wanted to prolong it and make more parts and make you guys wait so I made this long .

Grab you foods and drinks because it is actually long . Hope you guys won't get bored .

Enjoy !


"Good morning , President Kim" Jack , Taehyung's secretary greeted Taehyung when Taehyung came down towards his car . Jack opened the door for Taehyung and Taehyung swiftly entered without saying anything .

"Any news ?" Taehyung asked as soon as Jack started the car making him gulp . "No President Kim" Jack said ready to face Taehyung's anger .

"How long has it been since I appointed you thus task ?" Taehyung said closing his eyes his voice was still calm . "6 years" Jack said biting his lips .

"It's been 6 fucking years and how there still no news ?!? She is just one mere girl" Taehyung said in anger his jaw clenching hard . "I'm sorry but we're really trying" Jack said he himself is disappointed in himself amd his team as they can't find out about a person in 6 years .

"I'm starting to lose my patience Jack . I wanna see her , feel her and hear her voice again . I'm starting to forget her voice" Taehyung said with pain visible in his voice and Jack can't help but pity him .

"Taehyung don't lose hope . Just trust your fate . And trust me I'll find even a single detail about her . If you don't trust me as your secretary then trust me as your friend because I want you to be happy too . And I know only Jisoo can bring you happiness so I'll make sure to bring her to you" Jack said and Taehyung again sighed hoping to see his happiness again .

Taehyung was looking outside of the car window seeing buildings passing by . He can't help but drift into the moment which took place 6 years ago that changed his whole life and his friends life too while touching the necklace on his neck .

Flashback , 6 years ago ,

Taehyung was eagerly waiting on the gate of their university hoping to see just one sight of Jisoo at least today . It's been 3 days since he saw her . Jisoo didn't attend classes since the last they she and Taehyung had a talk . Jennie told him that Jisoo didn't attend classes these 3 days .

After Taehyung told everything to his friends they felt super bad and guilty . The girls didn't talk to their boyfriends for a whole day because they were so pissed and disappointed .

Later the group planned the best explanation in the world and decided to talk to Jisoo as soon as possible to clear all the misunderstandings .

But sadly Jisoo didn't attend university . Taehyung became impatient and left from there with a bad mood .

He was about to file a complaint about Jisoo's sudden disappearance but his friends stopped him saying that this may cause Jisoo unnecessary attention .

Like this a few more days past by with no information about Jisoo . Taehyung and his friends got concerned about her . Why did she suddenly disappear ?

"Guys it's enough . How long are we gonna wait ?! What if something happened to her ?" Taehyung frustratingly said to his friends who were messing around throwing rocks at the pond .

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