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Happy 1k reads lovelies !!! Like seriously ?!?! Thank you so much guys . Ily guys so much . 😭💞

This story is a 1k special story .


"Where are the boys ?" Jisoo asked the other three girls beside her . "We don't know" they all replies as they started to search for them in the massive crowd .

All students were holding their black coat and black hat as they finally got graduated today . Everyone was so happy . They were smiling ear to ear . Some were crying out of happiness and sadness that they will leave this university . Some were hugging each other taking pictures with their families and friends .

Jisoo , Jennie , Lisa , Rosé were done meeting their principal and taking photos with everyone . Currently they were searching for their boyfriends who seem to be lost in this crowd .

"I swear Yoongi is so dead if I find him now !!" Jennie said being pissed of searching for her boyfriend . "I will let my cats scratch Jungkook's hands if I find him" Lisa added too being pissed . "If Jimin don't buy me whatever I want to eat this week I am going to my house" Rosé said puffing her cheeks as her legs were aching for walking so much . "Taehyung is sleeping on the couch for a week" Jisoo rolled her eyes frustrated .

As the girls just got seated on the bench to have a rest immediately their ears perked up hearing some girls beside them . Blood rushed through their veins hearing the girl talking about their boyfriends .

"Jungkook oppa is looking so hot today" Lisa glared at the girl who said it but the girl didn't even notice her glare . "Taehyung oppa is looking extra handsome in that white shirt and black coat" this caught Jisoo's attention as she looked more like glared at the girl who seemed to be in her own world . "Did you see Jimin oppa gosh why is he so handsome !!??" One girl said closing her eyes and biting her lips day dreaming which made Rosé almost throw her phone at that girl only to be stopped by Jennie . But the next words by a girl almost made Jennie throw her chanel bag at that girl but was stopped by the girls "Yoongi oppa is ao hot I feel like having him" .

"You know what ?!? Let's go and find them it's enough rest" Jennie said as she got up from the bench followed by the others . And they began searching for the boys again .

"What's that crowd there ??" Rosé asked as she saw there was a huge crowd in the middle of the field . "Let's check" Lisa said and they all went there and squeezed themselves to the front . But their heart beat quickened and their eyes got teary as they gasped from the sight infront of them .

The boys aka Taehyung , Jimin , Yoongi , Jungkook also their boyfriends were standing infront of them smiling at them . And infront of the boys their was a pathway made with Rosé petal which would lead the girl to their boyfriends .

The girls slowly crossed the pathways and stood infront of their boyfriends

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The girls slowly crossed the pathways and stood infront of their boyfriends . Jisoo looked at Taehyung teary eyed and he wipes her tears smiling at her then helo her hand . Jimin did the same to Rosé . Yoongi amd Jungkook did the same to Jennie and Lisa .

Then the boys steppes aside for the girls to have a clear view of the front . Seeing it the girls were in utter shock as they placed their palms on their mouth and tears left their eyes . Infront of them they saw 'Will you marry me' written with big letters , beside them were red heart shaped balloons .

The girls looked at the boys and they just smiled at them

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The girls looked at the boys and they just smiled at them . Then the boys stood infront of the girls and bend on their one knee in sync at the same time . Then they opened a little box infront of the girls . Inside the little box their was a diamond ring .

The girls couldn't be more happy as they saw it . The nodded their head repeatedly as no words came out of their mouths . The boys were over the moon as they smiled widely and took the ring and slide them in the fingers of their woman .

The girls hugged the boys neck tightly as the whole crowd cheered for them . "We are engaged" Jisoo whispered slowly smiling at Taehyung and looking at her ring . "Yes baby we are" Taehyung replied and kissed her forehead . "Now you are only mine baby no one can take you away from me now" Jimin said smirking slightly and Rosé blushed and smiled at him . "Now we are engaged sleep less and give me more time" Jennie said and pouted making Yoongi chuckle . "Sure I'll try baby" Yoongi said . "I finally had the courage to do this so from now you will focus on me more that your cats" Jungkook said looking at Lisa and Lisa smiled and said "Sure babe" .

The girls saw that the four girls from earlier were there too . The words the girl said about their boyfriends rang in their ear and possessiveness rushed through them . The girls looked at each other smirked and nodded as if they were talking through their eyes . Then the next thing they did made the boys shocked and widen their eyes and the crowd to gasp , cheer , awe at them .

The girls suddenly pulled their boyfriends by their collar and crashed their lips on them . This was sign of their jealousy and possessiveness as they heard many unholy things about their boyfriends a few minutes ago . Then they broke the kiss and shot a glare at those four girls from earlier .

Then they looked at their boyfriends and found them looking at then smirking . Blood rushed through their cheeks as they hide their faces in their boyfriends neck making the boys laugh as if they weren't the same girl who kissed them infront of everyone a few minutes ago .

"Why are you shy now baby you were the one who kissed me infront of everyone not me" Jimin said smirking making Rosé blush more . "What's the use of being shy now baby you already turned me on" Taehyung said smirking at Jisoo and the girl just slapped his chest playfully . ""Don't be shy baby everyone knows we are engaged" Jungkook said still laughing making Lisa whine . "We have the whole night baby stop being shy" Yoongi whispered in Jennie's ears making the girl shiver .

"WE ARE ENGAGED" They boys suddenly shouted at the same time making the girls laugh at their boyfriends and the crowd too laugh . "WE ARE NOW TOGETHER FOREVER" They boys again shouted lifting up the girls making the girls shy and laugh as the kissed .


A question

Is the story Doting Revenge boring and bad ?? It got very less reads and votes than the others . If it is bad and you guys don't like it then I'll delete it .

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