Mistress (Yoonnie)

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Heaving a deep sigh while staring out of the window . Feeling cold even though a warm blanket wrapped around her body . Her arms wrapping around her knees bringing it closer to her chest . Tears dropping from her eyes all way to her cheeks making it wet . Crying very badly but not a single sound was coming from her mouth . Rethinking life decisions which makes her regret everytime .

Jennie Kim , a simple independent woman who wanted nothing in her life other than peace . After graduating from University with minimal jobs she got the offer of employment in Min Corporation . She was offered to be the secretary of the CEO Min Yoongi .

Min Yoongi , a self centered cold man who cares about nothing but work . He does nothing all day other than working . Having no love life his parents forced him to marry someone he never wanted to .

What if despite having a fiancee he develops feelings for his pretty secretary ? What can even go wrong ?


"Jen are you really sure about it ? Please think twice" Jisoo , Jennie's best friend said worriedly . "I'm sure unnie don't worry . I already thought enough" Jennie said with a small smile which was totally fake . Her face is pale , dark circles and eye bags under her eyes . Her eyes became puffy due to all the cryings she did .

"Please be safe . I don't want anything to happen to you" Jisoo worriedly said and hugged Jennie tightly . "Don't worry about me unnie . I'll be okay" Jennie said and hugged Jisoo back .

Jennie was walking on the streets blankly kind of enjoying the cold breeze . Wearing a cap and mask so that no one in the streets recognize her . She'll be leaving this country soon . So she is enjoying Seoul air for the last time .

"Jennie Kim" someone said from the back making Jennie turn around to see the person . Her breath hitched as her eyes quivered seeing the woman who was standing behind her . Not wanting to face her she started walking quickly practically running . Then they entered a dark alley when someone held her wrists . She looked back to see the woman .

"What do you want now ?!" Jennie said lowly while freeing her wrist from the woman . "I know I'm in no place to say this but be angry with me . But please don't be angry with Yoongi or Mr and Mrs Min" the woman said in which Jennie chuckled bitterly .

"What if I say I'm not angry at any of you ? I'm angry at myself . I'm angry at my decisions" Jennie said almost whisper as tears already formed on her eyes .

"No you shouldn't . You're the best thing that happened in Yoongi's life . It was my fault . I'm sorry for that" The woman said as her eyes too glossed with tears .

"Sorry won't change anything Seulbi . My life already got ruined because of your one mere lie" Jennie said as her eyes became bloodshot due to tears . "I know sorry won't change anything but still I'm sorry . But nothing is ruined there is still time for change" Seulbi said which only made Jennie's anger rise .

"What do you mean things can change ? I cannot even go outside without a fucking mask and cap because my face is all over media , television as a villain in you life with Yoongi . What do you mean nothing is ruined when everyone knows me with just one name 'Yoongi's mistress' ?" Jennie said as tears flew down her cheeks as the woman infront of her shed tears too .

"I'm sorry Jennie . But don't vent my anger on him . He is not eating since a week and is drowned in alcohol . He is not getting out of his room since you left . Please pay him a visit Jennie . Please for his sake" Seulbi said and held Jennie's hands pleading her .

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