Marriage (Jirosé)

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Rosé pov

Here I am . Getting ready for my so called wedding . I had no opinion in this marriage because my stepfather only wanted money and business . I just knew a few days ago that I was getting married . I had always dreamt of being a singer . Now my dreams were crushed . I cried for days when I heard that I was getting married . And the worst part is I was getting married to my bully . His name is Park Jimin . His father is a big business tycoon in our country . He will also take over the business after our marriage . I know our life after marriage will be horrible because he hates me that's why he always bullied me all my life . But I fell for him . I love him but he will never love me back . I know he is also forced into this marriage . Just the thought of my life with him makes me tear up . But I can't show them that I am weak . I was deep in my thoughts when someone opened the door . I looked back and saw my three besties .

Jisoo : Rosé , it's time . Are you ready ?

Rosé : Now I am not unnie . I can't do this . Why it has to be me ??

After I said that I broke down . Then the three came towards me and hugged me .

Jennie : It's okay girl . Everything will be alright . It's just the matter of time .

Rosé : It's different unnie . Jimin always bullied me . Made me feel like shit .

Lisa : It's okay Rosé . Just be strong . Everything will be alright .

Rosé : I will try me best .

Jisoo : Don't worry we are here for you .

I nodded at them and then we got out of the makeup room . I was now standing infront of the door . My heart was beating very fast . I was really nervous . My stepfather was standing beside me . My arms were linked with his . Then the door opened . Everyone was staring at me . I felt extra nervous .  But when my eyes landed on Him . I just wanted to die . He was looking so hot and handsome . I don't know how long I was staring at him and he was also staring at me which made me shocked . Then I broke our eye contact when my stepfather told me that we have to go . I started walking down the aisle looking down . I can feel his stares on me all the time . When we reached there my stepfather gave my hand to him . He took it in no time and held it tightly . I was so nervous that I couldn't even look at him .

Jimin's pov

Gosh she is so beautiful . I can't even take my eyes off her . Her cold hands are so soft . I can finally touch her and call her mine . Her eyes that makes me drawn in them , her perfect nose , her cheeks that I want to pinch all the time and kiss all the time and lastly her lips . Those super kissable lips . I just wanna devour them . She makes me lose my mind . I know that she was forced into this marriage and don't feel the same way as me because I used to bully her . I don't even know why I bullied her . I regret everything now . But what can I do I always wanted to get her attention.  But now I understand that I should have used another way . I will make sure to apologize to her sincerely . And I can only hope for the best after our marriage .

Priest : Do you , Park Jimin take Park Rosé as your wedded wife and promise to stay with her till the very end ?

Jimin : I do .

Priest : Do you , Park Rosé take Park Jimin as your wedded husband and promise to stay with him till the very end ?

Rosé : I-I d-do .

Priest : I announce you husband and wife . You may now kiss the bride .

I saw how she tensed up and became so nervous . I felt really hurt seeing her so hesitant but what can I do it's all because of me . But still I had to do this . I hold her hand that were shaking then I lift up her face because she was looking down all the time . Her eyes met mine finally amd I saw that they were teary and sadness was visible in her eyes . I slowly leaned in to kiss her and she closed her eyes tightly . I captured her lips in mine and I felt more than happy . I could finally feel the softness and plumpness of her lips . And they tasted so sweet . I didn't wanted to pull out and wanted to devour them for hours but I had to controll myself . I pulled out and looked at her and saw that she was again looking down . I was really sad about that . But decided to shrug it off and talk to her at home .

Time skip

Now we are at our home . Rosé is in the shower while I am done with shower . Numerous thoughts ran in my mind about our relationship  . I just wanna make her mine , call her mine but I am too afraid to do that . What if she hates me more after that ? What if she doesn't love me back ? My thoughts got cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening . I looked at the way but immediately regretted it . There she was . Wearing a white transparent shirt . Water dripping from her hair . I know really well that I was turned on but I had to control . I want to give her time . I know that she will be very hurt if I do something today . So I had to control . But I want to make things right and I will make it right .

No one's pov

Rosé was done drying her hair . She could feel Jimin's stare on her all the time . She was flustered and her cheeks became red . She got up from the chair and went to the balcony . She was looking at the sky and was deep in her thoughts about her life . While on the other hand Jimin was having a hard time controlling himself and upon seeing her red cheeks he became more hard . Then he saw her going towards the balcony . He thought that this was the best time . So he went towards her .

Jimin slowly snaked his arms around Rosé hugging her from behind making Rosé flinch by the sudden action . She widened her eyes after she saw Jimin snuggling his face in her neck inhaling her scent . As for Jimin he was having the best time of his life . He loved how Rosé was so warm , her skin so soft and her scent so addicting . He turned her to him then put his hand on her right cheek making her look at him . They were staring at each other . Both their eyes screaming love and adoration for each other .

Rosé : Jimin-

Jimin : Don't talk .

With this he kissed her . Rosé was too shocked to even kiss back . She just widened her eyes and let him kiss her . But she couldn't control herself because Jimin was being so bold . She slowly kissed him back . Jimin smiled into the kiss when he felt her kissing him back . The kiss was slow , loving and passionate . Jimin loved how soft her lips were and how sweet they tasted . After a while Rosé broke the kiss to catch her breath . She then looked at Jimin and he was also looking at her .

Jimin : Listen Rosé . I know I have always bullied you in the past and I regret everything I have done to you . I was so immature that I didn't even realize that I was hurting you so much . I know you hate me for that . But Rosé I only did that to get your attention back then . I loved you since high school but I couldn't confess that's why I bullied you to get your attention . I am so sorry for hurting you . Please forgive me . But my feelings for you are real . I love you so much Rosé .

Rosé : Don't worry . I forgive you . Even if you bullied me and hurt me I couldn't hold myself from having feelings for you Jimin . I love you too . (Smiled through teary eyes)

Jimin : Really ?!?!? OMG THANK YOU FOR FORGIVING ME !! I love you soooo much .

Jimin then hugged Rosé tightly and was smiling like an idiot and Rosé was giggling cutely at him . He was so happy that he can't control anymore . Rosé then pinched his cheeks chuckling . But suddenly Jimin smirked making Rosé confuse .

Rosé : Why are you smirking ?

Jimin : Since we already expressed our feelings why not finish the business we started ?? Because I am already so hard for you . (Smirking)

Rosé : Wha-

Rosé couldn't even finish her words because Jimin kissed her roughly . She was shocked but later kissed him back . And the rest of the night they made love . They forgot their past mistakes and started a new life from then with full of happy memories .


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