Truth behind 'Breakup'

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From what I know so far the story I wrote for Vsoo in my previous oneshot is true . And yeah I know it is hard to believe because the story was really sad but it was true and actually a couple went through it .

This was a story that I heard from my neighbours and friends in my locality and it is a story of a couple from a long ago . Like maybe 14/15 years .

So what actually happened is Jisoo (the girl , 19) and Taehyung (the boy , 27) were in a relationship for a long time . But they were opposite of each other .

Taehyung was from a very rich family while Jisoo was poor orphan . Their love was difficult but they loved each other truly .

It's unknown how they met or how they fell in love but everyone knows just that .

Taehyung was bound to marry someone from his standard and despite being aware of this he fell in love with Jisoo . He at first didn't tell her anything because he didn't want to leave her but eventually Jisoo knew about it and she was scared . But Taehyung assured her and promised her that he loves her and will never leave her and will marry her .

But things didn't go as planned and Taehyung's father got to know about their relationship . He just warned Taehyung a few times but he didn't listen . In the end Taehyung's father threatened him that he will ruin Jisoo's life if Taehyung doesn't break up with her .

And yeah as much as it sounds cruel a father actually did it to his son .

Taehyung being scared broke up with Jisoo even though he didn't want to . Jisoo was really heartbroken because just the day before she found out that she was pregnant with Taehyung's child .

When Jisoo saw the news and when Taehyung told her to meet her she already knew what was gonna happen . She could no longer hold the pain within her because she had no one in her life except Taehyung . And she didn't had the ability to be a single mother .

The rest you know already that Jisoo was met with a drastic car accident and died right infront of Taehyung .

Taehyung was heartbroken too and he completely lost himself after Jisoo's death . He would always talk to himself and call everyone Jisoo . He always mumbled her name and uttered repeated sorry .

He never married anyone . He only loved Jisoo with all his heart and no one could replace her .

No one knows much after that . It is unknown what happened with his father or family or the girl's family .

But it was then heard that Taehyung too died due to severe depression .



Coming to Jirosé story , it is true too and is based on my own life and this story is from 8 years ago . I know it is hard to believe but I'm gonna explain everything here .

So in this story Yeri (Me) and Chaeyoung (my senior who meant more than a sister to me) and Wendy (My bestfriend) and Jimin (my senior's then boyfriend) are introduced . I'm not gonna tell the whole story due to privacy purposes but I'll make sure not to leave you guys confused .

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