Marriage and Divorce {1}

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"Here , sign this" Jisoo said handing Taehyung a paper . Taehyung looked up from his phone to the paper and then at his wife . He saw the side of her lips had a cut and had dried blood on it . Her cheeks swollen , bruise on her forehead . Not only that looking at her from up to down he saw multiple bruises on her hands and legs . She was also limping and was not able to walk properly .

He did it again . Even after promising not to .

"What is this ?" Taehyung asked in a cold and harsh tone but Jisoo was unbothered . "You're well educated . You can read it yourself" Jisoo said with an emotionless face but her insides were burning .

Taehyung looked at the paper and clenched his fists and jaw . His whole body burned in rage and he looked at Jisoo with burning eyes .

"What the fuck is this !?! Divorce ?!?" Taehyung shouted and Jisoo stared at him not showing any reaction but her heart was beating fast . She knew she will have to face thus so she was prepared beforehand and stood strong .

"Yes divorce . Let's get divorced . I can't bear this anymore" Jisoo shouted back with tears forming in her eyes but she held them back not wanting to look weak infront of him .

She then felt a burning sensation on her cheeks along with a sting pain . Taehyung slapped her.....again after promising not to . She fell onto the ground because of the force and her head became dizzy .

Taehyung stood there while Jisoo sat on the ground with her face at a side and tears flowing down her cheeks . He knew he messed up again so as always again went to apologize to her but this time Jisoo won't fall for it .

"Jisoo-" Taehyung softly said and went to help Jisoo to get up but even before he could approach her Jisoo got up from the ground and stared at him with her bloodshot eyes . Blood dripping from her lips .

"Jisoo... please I'm sorry . I promise I'll not do this ever again . Please forgive me and forget about divorce . I can never give you divorce . I love you so much Jisoo" Taehyung said and went to hug Jisoo but Jisoo pushed him with actually irritated him .

"Who do you think you're huh ?? You'll hurt me as much as you want and then at the end of the day ask for forgiveness like you did nothing ?!? How long Taehyung ?! How long are you gonna continue this ?!? How many promises are you gonna break ?!? JUST HOW ?!?!" Jisoo shouted the last sentence and then felt a huge force and a gush of pain on her back . Taehyung pinned her on the wall harshly .

"Don't you dare shout at me you understand ?! I can be however I want . You don't have any right on me . But I have . Remember that . And don't you ever dare to ask for divorce" Taehyung said pinning Jisoo more hardly on the wall and staring at her with anger visible on his eyes .

Jisoo bitterly chuckled at that which angered Taehyung even more . "Yes you can be however you want . I'll not tell you to do anything . Listen Taehyung . If you only abused me physically, mentally however you wanted I'd have said nothing and would have forgave you if you asked for forgiveness . But what bothers me the most is you cheating on me with not one but 17 other woman . Do you think I'm here for you to use me for granted ? And also remember that you are raping me everyday because you do it even if I beg you not to . Let's just get divorced Taehyung . We're not meant to be together" Jisoo said without showing any emotion but actually she was breaking apart inside .

She loved Taehyung so much since their university . She tried to ignore his dirty works as she loved him so much but she now it became unbearable . They were married for more than a year . And she has been enduring for a year but she can't endure anymore because everything have a limit .

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