Defeat (Jirosé)

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Cold wind brushed through her body making her shiver as she was wearing minimal clothes in this cold weather . But she didn't care about that . She continued staring up at the blue sky which unknowingly seemed sad today .

Blood dripping from her forehead and arms due to several bruises and wounds on her body . But she didn't care about that too .

All she cared about now was jumping off the roof . She gives up . She can't tolerate this much pain anymore . Losing her only family , her father wasn't enough that she had to be the target of the school badboy and bully making her life hell .

"Isn't that Rosé ?"
"What is she doing ?"
"It is very dangerous"
"What's going on ?"

Numerous murmurs followed but none bothered to go to the roof and help her . They all were on the ground watching the scene while some had their mobile cameras positioned at Rosé .

"I LOST . YOU GUYS WON . I ADMIT DEFEAT" Rosé shouted letting everyone hear . "Rosé !!!" A male voice shouted making everyone look at the source .

Everyone got shocked when they saw the campus badboy Jimin rushing to the front pushing everyone who came his way .

"What are you doing Rosé ?!! Come down !!" He shouted which sounded like a plead making everyone taken aback . "Sure" Rosé said and then smiled sadly . That smile represents nothing but pain .

And with that she jumped off the rooftop making everyone gasp in horror . No screams left from Rosé's mouth as she was falling from the roof . Soon her body met the ground making a loud sound .

The girls screamed in horror as Rosé was falling from the roof . As her body met the ground the students gathered around her body and looked at her . Blood started surrounding all side of her body and she remained motionless .

Jimin pushed himself through the crowd of people and his body froze when he reached the front . His heartbeat stopped seeing Rosé's body drenched in blood . His wobbly feet slowly stumbled towards her body and he knelt down infront of it making everyone shocked .

"Rosé !! Rosé !! Please get up !!" Jimin said with a cracked voice as tears gathered around his eyes . Everyone was confused on why was he doing this because he was the one to bully her first . And watching him the others started too as they didn't wanted to be against Jimin .

"FUCK !! SOMEBODY CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE" Jimin shouted and hearing him everyone pulled out their phone to call an ambulance .

"Rosé ! Please get up . I'm sorry . Please open your eyes" Jimin said in a breaking voice and hugged Rosé's bloody body closer to him .


"Poor girl . Had to die in the end" a girl said after placing a bouquet of flower on Rosé's desk which is now filled with numerous bouquet of flowers .

"Why are you pitying her ? Isn't it what we wanted ?" Another girl said beside the first girl . Her face was covered with an annoyed expression .

"Yeah . We always wanted her to die and she did . What's there to think about more ?" The third girl said rolling her eyes .

They were the one who used to bully Rosé forcing her into suicide more . And now one of them realized her mistake and was feeling pity for Rosé . Actually she never bullied her she just never spoke a word against it and got along with her friends .

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