Jealous (Vsoo) [M]

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Taehyung and Jisoo , both were married off by their parents . Both were happy with their life but their parents had other plans as both their parents had a very good friendship . They were married off because of business purposes too . Taehyung became CEO of his dad's company after getting married . Jisoo's parents too forced her to be CEO but she always had passion for acting and she followed her passion . Thus she became a popular actress and created her own name as she never wanted to be branded as someone else's name . But she was still called 'Mrs.Kim' by some people which she absolutely hated as she was against this marriage . Taehyung too wasn't very willing for this marriage .

'They will live happily' this was the thought of their parents but the later was happening . Jisoo even if she was against this marriage she still always maintained her wife responsibilities . Always cooking for Taehyung , cleaning the house , everything . Even after doing all this she never got a good comment from Taehyung . He was always rude to her and always blamed her for everything .

"Because of you I can't enjoy my life" "It's your fault we are in this mess" "It's your fault I jad to break up with her" "It's your fault she is hurt" . Cherry on the top he never said Jisoo's cooking good even if it could pass master chefs . And he always compared her with his ex . Jisoo was extremely hurt by these comments because in the end he is her husband . But she never said anything and just heard everything quitly . "Time will come when he will apologize" this was the thing she always told herself and her friends .

Present time

Jisoo was sitting on the couch waiting for Taehyung while reading a book . She just finished shooting for a drama and now she was free . So she decided to focus on the house . Just then the front door opened and unlike other days she was sitting on the couch . She would always go to the door and welcome Taehyung with a smile but she didn't today . She side glanced at Taehyung and saw that he was tired .

Taehyung entering home expected to see Jisoo's smile which could unexpectedly remove his tiredness . He frowned that she didn't come and was sitting on the couch . She didn't even look at him when he came . 'What's wrong with her?' he thought .

Coming downstairs after showering he saw that the food was served already and Jisoo was sitting on the table looking blankly at her plate . He ignored that and sat down and digged in the food . She so digged in . After eating Taehyung can't help but notice the difference in the food . It didn't taste like it was homemade .

"Is this a takeout??" Taehyung asked Jisoo who as reply nodded her head while looking at the food still eating . "What do you even do while staying at home all day ?? You don't even cook food and order takeout . My ex always amused me by her cooking . You can't----" he was about to continue but was cut off by her . "I just don't want you to waste food" Jisoo said sternly and Taehyung was shocked by her words . Even more by her tone . "What ??" Taehyung asked in return and Jisoo put down her spoon on the empty plate and looked directly in his eyes . "You always say the food cooked by me is trash and throw them away . Why waste food ?? So I just ordered a takeout . And if you don't like too just call your ex and tell her to cook food here . Amd don't worry about the payment I will pay for her you don't need to use your money" Jisoo said and got up from her seat with her plate and spoon .

Taehyung was completely shocked by her words . He was still in daze and couldn't digest whatever she said . "Jis-" he called when he saw she just passed by him . With a heavy heart he got up and put his plate in the dishwasher and went upstairs to sleep .

As he opened the bedroom door he saw Jisoo came put of the bathroom in a robe . She was looking hot in that and he surely was turned on . But he controlled himself and went to bed . At that time Jisoo came out of the closet in her nightdress . He thought she will also lie down but instead she was picking up her pillow amd blanket and was attempting to go out of the room .

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