Loveful (Jirosé) {1}

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Laughters and voices were heard around a big private room of a high class restaurant . Two elderly couple were sitting on a six seater table talking amongst themselves while two chairs were left empty .

"Seems like they are ditching us again" one of the woman said sighing staring at the empty chairs . The other three people sighed too .

"I'm really sorry Mr and Mrs Park on behalf of my daughter" the other woman said looking at the two apologetically . "No need to be sorry . Even we are sorry too for our son" the man said apologetically and later on they forgot about their children and continue their business amongst themselves .


The sound of heels clicking was heard in a quite hallway where people in black clothes were standing bowing at the woman passing infront of them .

The woman had long blonde hair which was tied in a ponytail , white skin , cute little chubby face which had a cold expression on . Her figure was slim and she was much tall and by wearing black heels she was looking even more taller .

"Good afternoon , Ms.Park . Your client in waiting inside" a young man said in his formal clothes with ID card as soon as he spotted the woman .

The woman didn't say anything and nodded . She grabbed a few files and headed outside after wearing a long black gown to wear over her white shirt and black pants .


"Judging by the evidences shown to me I can assure you your honour that they are real and not fake at all" the assistant judge said while looking at the judge beside him .

"The evidence shown are real and proves that the accusations of smuggling given to Miss Park Chaeyoung's client is fake . So on this note I declare that Miss Park Chaeyoung's client is innocent and he was wrongly accused" The judge said and hits his gavel making some sigh in relief and one to let out tears of happiness while the other had a small smile on her face .

"Thank you so much Ms.Park . I really can't express my gratitude towards you" a man in his fifties came to Chaeyoung and said . "It's nothing sir . It's my job to give justice to wrongly accused people" Chaeyoung said and smiled at the elder .

Finally Chaeyoung was free and was sitting on her office chair working on some files . She finally decided to turn on her phone and that resulted to numerous notifications . Missed calls from her parents and a thousand messages .

"Mom's gonna kill me today" the girl said and smiled bitterly but had nothing to do . This case was important and came in her hand at the last minute . And she couldn't deny the pleads of the helpless old man . Also she is pretty sure he didn't attend too .


"Sir the testimony ended" a man in his early twenties said to the one sitting on his office chair with uniform on . "Result" the other man said without even looking up at the person but he was actually very worried about the results .

"Mr.Choi was proven innocent" the man said making the elder to finally let out a sigh of relief . "Come on Jimin at least smile . Finally he was proven innocent after so long hard work of ours" a man suddenly entered and sat on the couch beside the table .

"What are you doing here , Taehyung ?" Jimin asked dissatisfied . "Came to know about Mr.Choi" Taehyung , Jimin's bestfriend said shrugging .

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