Silence (Liskook)

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Jungkook was walking on the road alone as the cold wind of winter brushed through his body . His face had a cold expression and he didn't care about his surroundings at all . Numerous cars were passing beside him and he just wished that one of them would hit him .

He regrets his doings so much . He regrets his mistakes . He wants to bang his head on the wall due to so much regrets .

Jungkook didn't realize it but he came in a decent neighborhood . The place which he knew really well . The place where happiness started to enter his life . Byt sadly he couldn't keep his happiness due to his own mistakes .

While he was walking he suddenly heard a voice that was awfully familiar to him . Getting all alert he followed the source of voice and came infront of a house . His heartbeat quickened when he realized where he was .

"It feels good here right ?" A deep feminine voice spoke and Jungkook immediately recognized the voice . He went inside the main door and walked towards the garden . There he saw two women sitting and drinking tea while enjoying the cold breeze of the winter .

As he walked closer and his whole body froze and his heart fell down on his stomach . A beautiful girl with long hair was sitting on a chair while drinking tea . She was the one whose voice Jungkook recognized .

Beside her another beautiful girl with bangs was sitting but on a wheelchair . The banged girl turned her head sideways and Jungkook could see her side face .

Jungkook almost stumbled on his place seeing her after so many years . He couldn't help but notice the changes in her . But....

Why was she on a wheelchair ?

Suddenly Jungkook heard a cry coming from inside the house . The both ladies looked at the house but had a calm look . Jungkook saw the banged girl motioned the other to go inside with her hand . "Don't worry Taehyung is inside . He will take care of it" the other girl said smiling and the banged girl nodded .

Jungkook gathered the courage and walked closer to them . He took a deep breath before speaking out .

"Lisa . Jisoo noona" Jungkook called . The banged girl named Lisa was the first one to look back . Her eyes widened in shock seeing Jungkook standing there looking so thin and pale . Jisoo the other girl put her cup down and looked back . The smile on her face faded seeing Jungkook .

Jisoo cautiously looked at Lisa and saw her looking at Jungkook with shocked face and teary eyes . Jisoo cleared her throat and got up from her chair .

"Let's go inside Lisa" Jisoo said and held Lisa's wheelchair and was about to go inside . "Jisoo noona" Jungkook again called out his voice hoarse . "There is no Jisoo noona !! The one standing infront of you is just Kim Jisoo" Jisoo spatted angrily then again wanted to go .

"Noona , please don't do this . I just wanna talk to Lisa" Jungkook pleaded and Jisoo looked at Lisa . Lisa with her teary eyes looked at Jungkook and then Jisoo and nodded her head as 'no' .

"She don't wanna talk" Jisoo coldly said and Jungkook looked at Lisa . His eyes teary too .

"Lisa please . Just this once" Jungkook pleaded and Jisoo heaved a breath loosing it .

"Taehyung !!" Jisoo called out making Jungkook to look at Jisoo . "What happened ?" Taehyung , Jisoo's husband came outside holding a little girl in his hand . He then froze on his spot too seeing Jungkook standing there .

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