Parents (Jirosé) [M]

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Jimin's eyes opened and he looked at the clock  . It was 3am . His eyes squinted and he looked around the room then he got to know the reason behind the disturbance in his sleep . Their 1 year old son was crying in his crib . He saw his wife , Rosé , got up from the bed and went to their baby . She picked him up and started rocking him to make him stop crying . Jimin grunted as he couldn't get any sleep because of their son's cries . "Just breastfeed him or something but make him stop crying . I have work tomorrow and I couldn't get any sleep because of him . Or just go to another room" Jimin angrily yelled at Rosé . Their son started crying more because of being startled .

Rosé quitly left the room and went to another room . She was hurt by his words but she can't do anything as they were not married out of love . She begged her parents not to get her married as she was still so young but they didn't listen and married her off . After her and Jimin's marriage nothing was on it's right place . Both of them were forced . And their baby too was not planned . Jimin considers him as a mistake he committed one night for being drunk .

Rosé loves her child to death even though she became a mother at a really young age . She is the one to take care of him as Jimin doesn't care about him . She is the one to take care of him at home , she is the one who stays up at night to take care of him . These are the reason behind her dark circles and pale face . Being a mother was too much for her at this young age but she can't do anything she have to do this .


Jimin's eyes opened as the bright sunlight hits his face . He looked at the clock and it reads 7am . He have office at 9am . He became the CEO of his dad's company after his marriage as per his father's rules . He got up from the bed and saw that the space beside him is empty . His child's crib is also empty . Then he remembered last night . He suddenly felt bad remembering last night . Nonetheless he went to take a bath .

After bath he went out of his room and went towards the guest room . He was hesitant to open the door but still opened it . There he saw his wife was nowhere to be seen and his son was sleeping peacefully in the bed .

Jimin left the guest room quitly and went towards the dining . From there he saw Rosé was making breakfast . She had dark circles around her eyes and eye bags . Her face was pale and she was looking weak . He was just standing there and watching her in daze then a sweet voice pulled him out of his thoughts . "Come and have breakfast" Rosé said as she took off her apron .

Jimin started eating and became shock by her cooking . Indeed she was a wife material . She cooks well , takes care of him and their son well and also do every wife duties perfectly . 'What do I do as a husband and father ?' this thought came into Jimin's mind and he felt sad realizing that he is a bad husband and father . He never took part in house chores nor taking care of their son .

A cry took him back to reality . He looked around and realized that their son was crying from the guest room . He looked at Rosé and saw that she was not in her seat and already went towards the guest room . He saw that she took him to their bedroom . He sighed and finished his breakfast .

After eating breakfast he went towards their bedroom to take his things to go to office . As he went into the room the sight infront of him made him hard . Rosé was breastfeeding their son . Jimin saw her breastfeeding him a couple of times but the situation now was different . He felt his pants getting tight and he was sweating . Then he heard his son laughing and looked at them again and saw that he was in Rose's arms and was laughing . Rosé was laughing too and Jimin was lost in her angelic laugh . He realized no matter how tired Rosé is even if her body is begging to give up she never fails to complete her duties as a mother and wife .

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