Complicated (Vsoo)

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Taehyung entered the house with cold face . He saw that the living room was empty and the light of the hall room was on . He walked inside the silent house and then sat on the couch in the living room . He was blankly staring infront of him .

Taehyung looked beside him and saw a photo frame . He took that in his hand and his eyes got teary seeing him , his wife and a little boy who looked the same as his brother . His wife and the little boy had bright smile on their face while his face was cold .

Tears left from his eyes and he took the photo close to his chest and started sobbing . "Jisooya , it's been so long . I had enough of this punishment . Please wake up . I need you" Taehyung said while sobbing loudly and the once silent house got filled with his sobs .


"Dad" Taehyung looked back and saw his son at the door . What is the he doing here ? He was not supposed to be here with him . "What happened ?" Taehyung asked with concern when he saw his eyes filled with tears.

"Why did you that to Mom ? What was her fault ?" His son asked almost shouting making him caught off guard . "What ?" Taehyung asked back with his eyes and lips trembling .

"You killed her dad . Because of you she had to die . YOU ARE A KILLER" his son shouted making Taehyung's tears to fall and he fell on the ground .

" . This can't happen . She didn't die . She can't leave me ."

"NO" Taehyung shouted sitting up . He looked around and heard his alarm ringing . "This was just a dream" He said to himself while breathing heavily .

"Fuck" He cursed out fisting his hair and pulling them roughly not caring that he is getting hurt too .


"Tae" Jisoo called out Taehyung almost whispering . Taehyung didn't care and looked at her with his icy cold stare and raised his one eyebrow as if asking her what she wants .

"Taehoon's fever is increasing . Let's take him to hospital" Jisoo worriedly said in an almost begging voice . "Take h . Why are you bothering me ?" Taehyung asked in his cold voice and then again focused on his phone .

"You're his father , Tae" Jisoo reasoned out as her tears started forming in her eyes . "For fuck's sake , he is NOT my son . I'm not his father or something . I only let him call me dad because I pity him . And stop with that 'Tae' of yours . I have a proper name and it's disgusting if you call me by that" Taehyung almost yelled making Jisoo flinch . She hears these from him everyday but still it never fails to hurt her .

Jisoo blinked her tears and then made her way to her so 's room . Jisoo got near her son and saw his face was pale .

"Mom" Taehoon called out and Jisoo looked at him worriedly . "Don't worry . I'll be alright and will start to disturb and annoy you again" Taehoon said playfully even if it was difficult for him .

"You brat" Jisoo said laughing through her teary eyes . She got up from the bed and quickly grabbed her coat and wore it . "Let's go to the hospital . You'll be alright" Jisoo said smiling at Taehoon and picked him up in her arms .

Taehoon didn't had any energy to balance himself so he wrapped his hands around Jisoo's neck tightly and rested his head on Jisoo's shoulder .

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