Obsession (Yoonnie)

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Jennie was sitting on the small space of the room from where the beautiful sky could be seen clearly . Being lost in her thoughts she didn't notice someone entering the room .

Yoongi entered the room with a cold face and saw Jennie sitting quietly . She didn't even look at him when he entered which means she didn't realize his entry .

Yoongi approached Jennie and stood beside her but she still didn't look at him . "Eat . You didn't eat anything the whole day" Yoongi said coldly but care could be sensed .

"I don't have an appetite" Jennie replied still not looking at him . Yoongi looked at her and felt irritated as she didn't eat anything the whole day and now she was ignoring him .

Yoongi lost it and suddenly picked her up in bridal style . Jennie was taken aback and wiggled in his hold and told him to leave her .

"I'm not gonna leave this room until you eat everything fully" Yoongi sternly said making Jennie gulp and she kept quite knowing Yoongi can't control his temper .

Jennie quietly ate the food Yoongi brought while stealing some glances at Yoongi who was staring at her without removing his eyes from her .

After eating there was pure silence between them . Jennie was looking down while Yoongi was staring at her .

"Why are you doing this ?" Jennie asked Yoongi who snapped back to reality after hearing her . He knew what she was talking about but didn't found the courage to reply .

"Tell me Yoongi . Why ? Why are you doing this ? Why did you trap me here for God knows how long ?" Jennie asked with eyes slowly getting teary . Yoongi still kept quite and looked down from her gaze .

"TELL ME YOU STUPID MAFIA" Jennie shouted while tears fell from her eyes . "Because I love you" Yoongi said looking at Jennie . His voice was calm and he was counties numbers to control his temper because he have serious anger issues .

Jennie laughed bitterly hearing his answer . "You don't love me Yoongi . You are just obsessed with me . You love seeing me suffer . You are just a psycho mafia" Jennie said and that's when Yoongi lost his temper . He pulled Jennie towards him pinning her on the wall and grabbed her chin .

"Mind your words Min Jennie" Yoongi said through gritted teeth while grabbing Jennie's chin . Jennie cried loudly as she felt pain .

Yoongi realized he went too harsh so he immediately left her jaw . He saw that Jennie was crying loudly . His heart ached hearing her cry .

"Jennie..... I'm sorry . I'm sorry I won't do this anymore . I'm sorry" Yoongi said softly caressing Jennie's face . And by the last sentence he hugged her softly .

Jennie cried and after a while she realized she was in his embrace . As much as she loved being in his embrace she remembered the pain he gave her . So she unwillingly pushed him away but as her strength was in no math of Yoongi so their hug only broke and nothing much .

"Please let me go Yoongi . I don't wanna stay here . I wanna go home now" Jennie said with teary puffy eyes staring at Yoongi .

"Jennie I can't let you go . I let you go once but I won't let you go anymore" Yoongi said amd Jennie just stared at him with pain .

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