Loveful (Jirosé) {2}

201 12 24

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into month . Like this a few month passed by .

Jimin and Chaeyoung became close and it's okay to say that they both fell in love with each other indeed . They went on countless dates these past months and indeed were looking forward to marriage when their parents arrange it .

Now it felt to them that it was a love marriage than an arranged marriage . Both of them were comfortable with each other and liked each other's company very much .

Their parents were over the moon seeing the development between them . They started planning things right after the day after their first date . 


Chaeyoung sat down on her office chair comfortably after attending attending one of her cases hearing . She heaved a tired sigh as she was working on this for a long time and now finally she was out of it .

"Tired , my lawyer ?" Chaeyoung opened her eyes and was shocked seeing Jimin standing infront of her with a smile on his face . Chaeyoung smiled and got up from her chair running to him .

As Chaeyoung reached to him she jumped on him hugging him tightly by his neck . Jimin smiled widely and hugged her back by wrapping his arms on her waist .

"I missed you" Chaeyoung mumbled on his neck and Jimin smiled caressing her hair . "I missed you too" Jimin said back . Chaeyoung pulled her face out of Jimin's beck and looked at him .

"Let's go out on a date today . It's been long since we went on one" Jimin suggested and Chaeyoung smiled widely nodding happily .

Jimin smiled and then leaned down connecting his lips with hers . After a while Chaeyoung pulled out and blushed hardly so she hide her face in his neck again making him chuckle .

"It's not our first kiss yet you're this shy . What about our honeymoon , soon-to-be wife ?" Jimin teased making Chaeyoung whine as she slapped him on his chest lightly .

"Stop" Chaeyoung said and Jimin laughed .


"Are you sure you're the senior Inspector Park Jimin from whom everyone is scared of ?" Taehyung asked squinting his eyes at Jimin who was smiling at his phone while swinging on his swivel chair . Jimin looked up from his phone to Taehyung with the smile still visible on his face .

"Huh ? What ?! I didn't catch what you said" Jimin uttered and focused on his phone again . "I can't believe this" Taehyung said and took his phone too using it .

"Don't you have any work ? What are you doing here ?" Jimin asked putting his phone down looking at his bestfriend .

"For your kind information it's lunch time and since it's been so long we had long together I thought of having lunch together . But you have plans" Taehyung spatted and rolled his eyes .

"You can join me and Chaeyoung if you want but don't feel left out" Jimin said shrugging . "Thanks but no need . I already made plans with my wife" Taehyung said and shook his phone infront of Jimin making him shake his head .

"How many days till your wedding ceremony again ?" Taehyung asked raising his finger while using his phone with other hand . "9 days . Why ?" Jimin replied and asked .

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