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Jisoo fell down on the ground after seeing the news . She can't believe whatever she was seeing on the TV .


Only heir of the Kim's Kim Taehyung all set to get married to the heiress of the Song's

Their wedding ceremony is scheduled on the upcoming Saturday

Jisoo still thinks all of these are lies . This can't be happening . Her Taehyung promised her .

He promised her that he would break off the engagement and marry her . Jisoo got out of her thoughts when her phone beeped indicating there is a message . Picking up her phone her heartbeat quickened seeing it's Taehyung's message . He told her to meet at the café next street .

With wobbly steps Jisoo stood up . Her blood running cold at the possible things that could happen . It was raining heavily but she didn't mind and walked the way . By the time she reached the café she was completely drenched in rain and saw Taehyung standing outside with a cold look on his face . He never looked at her in this way . It's the first time .

Jisoo approached closer and stood infront of him . They were staring at each other intently .

"Let's break up" Taehyung uttered without any emotions . Jisoo's heart clenched ever so hardly hearing him .

"So you're gonna give up on us just because your father told you too . You're not gonna fight for us ? What about the promises you made to me ?" Jisoo said controlling herself from breaking down .

"I never loved you . I was just using you because I was having some problems with my fiancée . Why would I even love you when I already have someone from my standards ?" Taehyung said looking at Jisoo coldly .

"Stop this act Taehyung . I know you love me . Did someone threaten you ? Don't worry let's fight back together" Jisoo said almost pleading and was about to approach Taehyung but he backed away .

"Poor you . I told you I don't love you . I just used you . Let me be honest you're pretty good . If you want I can give you money for the time you satisfied my needs . You're the best among the other girls and-" Taehyung was not able to finish his words as he felt a sharp slap on his left cheeks . His face moved to the other side by the force of the slap and he had to bite his lips to control the pain .

"I HATE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG !!" Jisoo shouted and threw a box on Taehyung's face then ran way from there . Taehyung looked up and saw her running away in that heavy rain . Tears made it's way to his eyes as he fell on his knees on the ground while crying heavily .

"I'm sorry . I'm sorry Jisoo . Please forgive me . I can't fight for us . It was like just you and me against the whole world . I'm sorry . Please forget me and hate me for the rest of your lives . I'm not worthy of you . You deserve the whole world" Taehyung mumbled while crying hardly .

His eyes then made its way towards the box which was laying on the ground . With shaky hands he grabbed the box as his tears fell continuesly . As he was under the shade so he didn't get wet nor the box .

Opening the lid of the box his whole world crashed down as he saw what was inside the box . His trembling hand reached the untrasono photo . The photo showed a small egg which was being developed inside one's stomach .

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