Marriage and Divorce {3}

356 37 20

9th December , 2022

Jisoo got up really early in the morning . She don't know why she was feeling really lightweighted . The wounds in her body were fresh but she didn't felt those pains . She got up and got freshed . She came downstairs and Taehyung was still not back .

She remembered the previous night . How she took the most difficult decision of her life . She felt happ and proud of herself that she was finally able to take this decision .

She cooked herself breakfast and made some for Taehyung too . After eating she went upstairs and got ready . Soon Jisoo came down with her luggage in her hand and walked towards the exit .

Before exiting the house she looked back and stared at the quite apartment . She then remembered her and Taehyung's memories . How on this day 6 years ago he proposed her and promised her to be with her forever . But today this day 6 years later they are separating .

A smile appeared on her face as she exited the house . The morning breeze hits her face and she unknowingly felt fresh .

What she didn't knew was that someone from afar saw her exiting the house with a smile on her pretty face . That person stood there without any movement and tears were making it's way to their face .

Yoongi was watching Jennie packing everything up . He was looking at her since she started this . He don't know why his heart was telling him to stop her , hug her , apologize to her and tell her to stay and live her unconditionally .

But his brain was telling the other way . His body was acting against his will . He saw that Jennie was finally done and she wore her coat and sunglass before making her way towards the exit .

Yoongi followed her every move . When Jennie reached the door Yoongi stood at the stairs looking at her with an unknown expression .

For the last time Jennie looked around the house in which she stayed for so long and have so many great but also bitter memories .

She looked at Yoongi and saw hin standing on the stairs looking at her . Her eyes were again getting teary but Yoongi was not able to see it as she was wearing sunglass .

Jennie gave a small smile to Yoongi before exiting the house and Yoongi's heartbeat quickened seeing her smile . After Jennie left he sat on the staircase and heaved a deep sigh . He was not feeling what he thought he will feel . He was feeling empty .

Rosé was done packing and arranging the house . She made breakfast for Jimin too even though she knows he never eats the food she makes .

Nonetheless she shrugged all those off and took her luggage making her way to the front door . As she was about to open the front door it already got opened by Jimin .

Their eyes met . He was looking at her coldly without any expression but he was feeling like breaking apart inside . Jimin stood their blocking her way to go .

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when Rosé smiled at him . Even though he did so much wrong to her she was still smiling at him .

After Jimin got out of his thoughts he looked down and moved aside for Rosé to get out . Rosé with a smile plastered on her face left the house without looking back leaving Jimin standing their with tears in his eyes .

Lisa was about to get out of the house with her luggage when she felt someone holding her hand . She looked back and saw Jungkook looking at her while holding her wrist . They were looking at each other and none dared to talk . But Jungkook took a deep breath and broke the silence .

"Where.....are you going to stay ?" Jungkook asked stuttering . Lisa almost wanted to laugh hearing his question and tone but didn't laugh and controlled it .

"I don't think that's anywhere your concern now Mr.Jeon slash ex-husband" Lisa bitterly said and lastly smiled at Jungkook before leaving the house .

Jungkook stood there can't seem to process anything . The first woman he ever loved and cared about left him because of his own deeds .

When someone leaves you with anger he/she will come back but when someone leaves you with a smile understand that you lost him/her .


The girls started their new journey living together again just like their student life . It was hard for them but they overcame it . They used to cry behind closed doors to not to let the others know about it and then come out like nothing happened .

But four of them knew that they are suffering the same thing . As they were on the same plane none could comfort the other .

They used to crack jokes at each other amd as much as possible make the other one not to remember the past . They totally stopped talking about the past as nothing existed in the past .

And their small plans lead them to something big as their plans became bigger and bigger . All four of them as they promised stayed together till the end of time .

That's how their life became now after 3 years . With their combined company being the number 1 company in South Korea and one of the Top 5 county around the world breaking many records .

They haven't seen or heard of the boys in all these years . They sometimes saw them in the news as they're famous too but their feelings have long been gone . They don't feel anything for them now . They gave moved on with their lives .

They might have moved on and are staying well but the other party might not have been good .

Getting hurt doesn't mean you lost the battle . Sone birds learn to fly only after they're hurt . And it works in life too . Pain amd failure are the pillar of success . Love yourself and believe in yourself .


To be continued .

Hope you guys liked this chapter . It was short than the other . I'm sorry for that .

Mame sure to vote and comment if you like it . See you soon .

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