Let go (Liskook)

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There are some people who are very lucky to have their own love story just like fairy tales . While there are some people who have their own hate story just like fairy tales . Just like Jungkook and Lisa . They used to have a hate story just like fairy tales but then their hate story converted into love story . Ironic isn't it ?

Jungkook and Lisa were in the same University . While Jungkook was a rich brat Lisa was from a middle class family . That's the difference between them and that's also the reason for them to hate on each other . But how long can hate survive when 'love' exists in this universe . Just like that after 5 months of hating each other but secretly loving eachother with the help of their cupid friends they realised their love . And after 3 years of hating and loving each other they became one infront of the whole world .

Jungkook became the President of Jeon group while Lisa became a fashion designer and had her own brand . At first both their families were a bit hesitant to let them get married because of the difference they had but eventually agreed seeing their love for each other . They were happy with each other but....as the saying goes fate really have it's time to change people's life .

Jungkook was someone who talks only when necessary . He was cold and aloof . He was only friendly with his loved ones . Of course Lisa is one of them . After loving each other Lisa never saw the cold and aloof Jungkook . She only saw the caring, loving Jungkook . Being the President and a rich ass man obviously Jungkook had to attend many event and parties where he couldn't take Lisa with him . And those parties only means sluts here and there .

At first Jungkook thought he was really happy with Lisa and she was enough for him . But men are men . They have their own lust and temptation even if they have their loved ones close to them . Lust wins over love for them . That's when things started getting messed up and complicated . Jungkook started spending nights with different girls . He would even bring them home when Lisa would be out for her brand purposes . He thought nobody is ever gonna know . But still he was always scared about Lisa . What if she finds out ?? What if she leaves me ?? These were the questions that kept roaming in his mind . But he put them aside and continued doing what he had been doing for the past 3 months in this marriage .

Present time

Jungkook opened his eyes when the sunlight peeked from the curtains and hits his face . Immediately he smelt the beautiful aroma of food coming from the kitchen . He freshened up and went downstairs only to see the beautiful sight of the love of his life . She was bare faced also wearing simple clothes but still looked like the most beautiful girl to him . Suddenly his body hair stood up and cold sweats ran through his body thinking that he can never ever lose this woman in his life . He wouldn't know what to do .

Lisa : JUNGKOOK !!!

Jungkook : Aahh.. Y-yes ??

Lisa : Are you okay , babe ? I called you for more than 5 times .

Jungkook : Nothing . I am okay .

Lisa : okay then come let's eat .

As they were eating Lisa said something that made Jungkook shot his head up and be nervous .

Lisa : I'll be gone tomorrow .

Jungkook : W-what ?

Lisa : I said I'll be gone tomorrow .

Numerous thoughts clouded his mind . Did she got to know ?? Is she leaving him ?? Is this the end ?? His thoughts were cut of when suddenly Lisa started laughing .

Lisa : Chill babe . I'll go to Paris for PFW . Remember I told you right that my designs will be displayed ?

Jungkook : Oh....ya right I remember now . When will you come back ?

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