Lost (Yoonnie)

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Jennie and Yoongi were in a happy relationship . Well that was what everyone thought . Only they knew what was actually going in their relationship . A relationship can never be peaceful if one of them have a best friend of the opposite gender . That was what going in their relationship . In their relationship there's a third person who lowkey always comes between them . That third person is none other than Yoongi's girl best friend Shihye . Yoongi only think of her as a best friend but Shihye never saw him as her best friend . She always thought of him as more than friend . Yes , it's true . Shihye is in love with Yoongi since before Yoongi knew Jennie . And yes she is the one who always comes between Jennie and Yoongi's relationship . Obviously no one wants their crush to be with someone else that too of the opposite gender . She is so much jealous of Jennie that she can't tolerate her at all . She tries her best to ruin their relationship and is still trying .

Jennie always felt odd about Shihye . Of course because she is a girl and only a girl can understand a girl . She knows the looks Shihye always gives Yoongi . She knows the tone Shihye always use to talk to Yoongi . She even knows the activities Shihye always do infront of Yoongi . Seeing all of this Jennie can't help but feel insecure . Yoongi and Shihye knows each other since high school and they are friends since then . And Shihye is someone who has a sexy body , attracting facial features , good family background . Jennie can't help but feel insecure of Shihye .

Jennie's insecurities increases day by day as Yoongi cancels their dates saying Shihye needs help in her project , Shihye's mother is in hospital she needs help , Shihye's father needs help in his works and many more . Jennie would just say that everything is okay with the brightest fake smile but it is not okay at all . The moment Yoongi is out of her sight she would drop her act and break down . She can't seem to control her tears . Her friends always tells her to talk to Yoongi but everytime she says something to Yoongi he would just say She is my best friend since high school so I have to help her everytime she needs . And she can't say anything more .

There is one person who comforts her everytime Yoongi would hurt her indirectly . He is none other than Kai one of Yoongi's friend who seems to be attracted to Jennie . But nor Jennie knows anything nor Yoongi . Only Kai knows himself . It breaks Kai's heart to see his crush crying so he always comforts her and cheers her at those times .

Present time

Jennie was going towards her locker when she saw Shihye and Yoongi talking happily . Her heart was breaking because when she asked Yoongi to pick her up he said he is busy but he is now talking happily like there is no tomorrow . She just pretended she didn't saw anything and went towards her locker to get her things . But then Yoongi suddenly called her and she got a little nervous .

Yoongi : Babe !

Jennie : Yes love ?

When she turned around she saw Yoongi standing behind him was Shihye with a blank face . Jennie and Shihye are always on bad terms .

Yoongi : I missed you . (Hugged her and pecked her lips)

Jennie : I missed you too . (Smiled)

Suddenly Shihye cleared her throat .

Shihye : I will go to class first Yoongi . You come with her later . (Fake smiled)

Jennie felt her irritation when she said 'her' . But nonetheless she also went to class with Yoongi .

Time skip

Jennie : Babe , when will you pick me up for our date today ?

Yoongi : Babe , can we postpone the date ?

Jennie : What ?? Why ??

Yoongi : A new assignment was given to Shihye's class and she needs help doing that .

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